
Same never know when a tree could fall blocking the forest service road that I took to the trailhead. 

Barbie didn’t do anything to Ken, it wasn’t her fault that he decided to tie his self worth to her approval. Barbie wasn’t even interested in Ken romantically, as she kept telling him throughout the movie. 

I liked how the only masculine character to reject toxic masculinity and projection, Alan, was also the only person who knew how to fight. All the Kens acted tough but didn’t understand what fighting was or meant. 

Yes they do, and that fee is capped at 1% of the value of your vehicle

They’re 1% of the adjusted value of your car, and it’s been that way since at least 2018, the idea is if you can afford a car that is worth $90-100k then you can also afford a $900-1k registration fee. Assuming you don’t have a 7+ year old car worth 100k, you knew about this when you bought the vehicle. My 2021 car

Luckily her peers will be residents of El Paso, not Ft Worth

You have no right to self defense, the only inalienable rights you are guaranteed access to are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Your right send where mine begin never forget that asshat.

Fuck this asshole with his rockets, were never getting to mars, stop fucking everyone on earth with your vanity project


Fuck off he wasn’t a threat to anyone for at least 14 of the minutes he was in a headlock. It’s easy to explain this away when you look for reasons to dehumanize the victim.

“How do you prevent a physician from doing the same.”

Elon is “Government funded media.”

“Now unless you are willing to have those same laws (for vehicles) applied to bikes. You don’t get to a part of the discussion.”

You misspelled underachieving 

Master plan three? What happened to one and two? 

You mean something like this?

First attempts at CGM were watch based but only kind of worked if you didn’t sweat. I really wish apple would fix the usability issues I have had with my dexcom since all the focus and do not disturb settings came out in a recent update, that update really interferes with usability.

They already exist, the weak link in my Dexcom is getting the app to work on my watch and iPhone as I need it to. Apple needs to fix this instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.

As a type one diabetic using a dexcom I really wish apple would just make their watch more compatible with the existing, established systems available. Let me program the watch to display my readings on the home face or not blare the loud alarm over my car stereo. Watches have always been the pipe dream for CGMs but

Then don’t