
Nobody conducts a better deposition than Mark Bankston. His depositions of Alex Jones are legendary.

No. We don’t “have to get off this rock.”

This is Jaahnavi. A complete human being.

i carry a hatchet, in my truck, at all times. mostly because i’m lazy and out of sight, out of mind, but also for the winter and having to drive approx 4 hours in northern sask to get to my parents. lots can happen on those highways.

Too many variables for transcutaneous NIR glucose monitoring. It is highly sensitive to SpO2, so you have to compensate for blood pressure and/or heart rate. They are not as accurate for people with darker skin, hairy arms, and well thick skinned (i.e. fat people).
Aside from filtering & neural networks to improve

I meant it’s hard enough from a technology standpoint and an FDA approval to get accurate data from a subcutaneous probe, not that it’s impossible. I am saying getting medical quality data from light through skin technology is basically impossible. Don’t hold your breath. 

It won’t work, at least not accurately enough for real medical purposes. It’s hard enough to get accurate data with a small subcutaneous probe on a Dexcom or Libre sensor. Using light through skin, I laugh, it’s a fools task, but there’s plenty of fools who buy apple products so...

And I’m sure they do that out of the goodness of their hearts, not because they’re getting paid tons of money to do so. That’s why they just give away the food for free, right?

Love UP trying to offload responsibility on the LAPD (not that they really deserve defending). This is 10000% a result of crew cuts, albeit indirectly. The shift to run less trains but longer ones means that you get consists that don’t fit in most yards, and thus wind up sitting on an unguarded tracks. Somebody on

Maybe, but I’d expect it’d be a longer and more intense feeling.