
Pbbbst. Probably the entire Hobbit trilogy, because that shit is inexcusable.

Are all of them from the rerelease of Star Wars Ep 4-6? ;)

Fun fact on Die Another Day... For the scene referenced above, when the movie had it’s theatrical release, had a few shots still as polygons and the float over the crest was wireframe. Post-production had forgotten to replace the shots before sending it to the theaters (they were late renders). It was corrected in the

I don’t even watch these anymore. I watched one dem debate and that’s all I needed. My reactions went something like this:

nearly half of all smokers die of complications associated with smoking

She’s with Jeeze now.

More importantly, do we have any updates on Louise’s condition?


Chrysler: $3.45 Billion

You guys should add a quick FAQ to all Falcon barge landing related articles, because people will keep asking these questions:

Came for this. Nice.

It is a nice sock.

Hey, look! There’s a new horizon on Pluto!

Those are all solid, and beat the hell out of any of the ones in the article for style. I already have too many topcoats or I’d be all over that herringbone one.

Those are all solid, and beat the hell out of any of the ones in the article for style. I already have too many

I can tell how you’re into technology by the way you use those quotation marks - sent from my “smart” phone

Or sell 2 versions, 1 is thicker but has more battery life

Why not, and I know this sounds crazy, just make the phone thicker to begin with and avoid this design catastrophe?

They’re not going after the same market. Falcon 9 can launch 57x the payload for only 6x the price. SpaceX might lose some secondary payload business to Virgin, but it’s like comparing a bicycle to a city bus.

That’s good, but needs a second module, underneath the plane, for cargo.

How is it sponsored if he says that it’s only suited for light work and that he prefers a laptop for productivity.