
I’m surprised it could retain that beautiful blue color after all these years.

Well right now Twitter’s market cap suggests a user’s lifetime value is about $30. The WhatsApp purchase valued a user’s lifetime value around $42. For perspective, Facebook’s valuation puts a user’s lifetime value around $185, but obviously Facebook makes a lot more from each user.

I wear a topcoat over a sweater with jeans on often.

I wear a topcoat over a sweater with jeans on often.

Just a heads up, J Crew is doing 40% off sale on a handful of top coats (many with Thinsulate) that bring them under or near $200.

Just a heads up, J Crew is doing 40% off sale on a handful of top coats (many with Thinsulate) that bring them under

The fact that they created this means that there are enough people out there who feel the iPhone battery life is inadequate, so much so that Apple is willing to put out a case that admits as much.

I can’t sleep more than 4 hours without peeing.

As somebody who wakes up at 5 am every day, woo hoo!

Anecdotally, I’m at a grad school that’s traditionally been a pretty solider feeder of talent into Amazon, and the number of people interested in working there has plummeted. I also haven’t met many people who interned there that are looking to go back full time. I’m sure they can still recruit the numbers, but the

North America.

If you are reselling a 1Y old mint iPhone, the out of pocket costs aren’t outrageous. If you already have a 2 year contract, it works out even better.

These are average times. I’m sure the worst highways are 3 times that.

I think I’d actually do pretty well on this. Years of running and I can usually tell what toe the pain is coming from. But for some reason my ears, yes ears, would give me trouble. Often when my ear itches I can’t find the place it itches. I’ll scratch on what feels like the right place and it’s not. It’s bizarre. I

I went to EDC a few years back and it took 12 hours. Lol.

I used to joke that I would love a train to Vegas back when I was in CA, but honestly it seems like a pretty silly idea. I just can’t imagine them pricing tickets reasonably enough to convince a car full of 20 year olds to take the train, and it’s not like this is a big commuter route. Also, it will be interesting to

Considering the majority of the fulltime job gains since the recession have been college educated and up, the numbers probably skew higher now. I’m not saying you can’t make a decent living without going to college. I’m saying, for most, college is a better way to have a more economically stable life.

Welcome to my Sunday. Lol

Yes it’s possible they start a successful company out of high school, but that person who graduates near the top of their high class will, on average, do A LOT better economically if they go to college. There are outliers, but it’s pretty simple statistics on a population sample to show that college is the best bet

That’s not true. The difference between a high school diploma and a college degree considering lifetime earnings is still HUGE. The numbers are pulled down by people who get degrees in useless topics, but still on average, college degree holders make a lot more money over their lifetime.

Yeah if you major in engineering or CS at many of the Cal State schools, you can end up in the same roles with the same salaries as the engineering/CS folks from UC’s or other top schools as long as you are good. And high tech is still hiring like crazy.

The 16/64 storage split was actually one of the best business decisions Apple has made in a long time. It propped up margins and increased sales substantially.