
I wonder if some of it is tone, like I offhandedly refer to A Separate Peace as so gay because regardless of whether Steinbeck(?) intended it, it is just so readily there on the page. I do know that not everyone is going to come to the same conclusion based on their readings, but framing it that way might make people

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I forget if this is the same girl who did “Hush Up” or something? I genuinely thought parts of that track were pretty catchy, but rather than borderline absurdity and maybe only inappropriate subtext, they went way too far— the child was incredibly sexualized, executed by electric chair, and surrounded by a bunch of

Basically every version I imagine in my head calls for sound effects to help set the scene so it’s a nice touch that the interviewees (and AVC) shouted out the foley artist and her socials.

I remember liking enough the ambitious scope of Can’t Hardly Wait, trying to juggle so many different character archetypes and giving them all arcs to some extent with an impressively recognizable cast. I kind of feel like it sort of had proto-Booksmart energy in terms of being unusually interested in showing some

The weird thing with your examples though is that the first two of those leaned into it to some extent. Oscar Isaac claims to have pushed for that direction but can easily (and probably accurately) blame it not happening as a Disney overlord problem while earning clout for raising the issue.

Earlier on in his career he also played a young gay man who found a mentor in an older gay man who had links to prominent cultural figures.

This movie did feel like it had relatively a lot of Afro-Latino extras too, even if ultimately the two more outwardly Black major players both had their screentime or plots cut back from the stage version.

Young Billy is the cute little traumatized moppet from The Haunting of Hill House miniseries on Netflix and it blows my mind that is the same kid.

America Chavez is supposed to be in the new Dr. Strange movie, but weirdly the actress looks very young. (13-ish?)

There was that Teen Titans Go movie released theatrically.

I feel like for all the period lesbians mournfully looking at one another, there is a recurring thing about a gay leaning boy hopelessly pining after a dalliance with some sort of golden and often bi boy who moves on to someone else?

Is that a visual pun for fentanyl then, does fennel have any medicinal properties or is it spiritually important to any groups, do people make bongs out of it the way some people use apples, or…?

I’m of two minds about some of the lyric changes— mostly the “got more Hos than a phone book in Tokyo” line.

I wondered that, I’m pretty sure the whole first 3/4ths of it were a one-take and building up to something ominous, and then it just doesn’t.

There was relatively a lot of hype about how lore heavy Mystery Inc. was so I tried starting it, apparently that might have been one of my sources of confusion since she apparently uses some Yiddishisms and at some point is seen with klezmer music in the background? And the half-Japanese younger live action Velma may

Of all the main gang Velma seems to be the most malleable since they’ve had her be (actually) East Asian in a live action prequel before. I guess Freddie Prinze Jr. was a Latino Freddie? I don’t know if I just made assumptions some of the cartoon Velmas have read a bit more minority than the others? Or was she ever

It feels like there were a bunch of videos indicating Oscar Isaac was training for Moon Knight and Ethan Hawke had called him out by name several months ago— but apparently they only officially announced it about two weeks ago?

Michael Green tweeted about this, he presumably chose the date because today is also the birthdays of his father and wife. (Is that remotely the right grammatical structure to reduce potential confusion?)

In spite of myself/mostly his history, I actually have liked him in some stuff but off the top of my head I can only come up with I Heart Huckabees. He’s still playing a bit of a lunkhead, but one who’s dabbling in philosophy and really struggling with coming to terms with it. I think he can be funny— and often

I just remembered I haven’t finished Good Omens but yeah, I likewise enjoyed it enough but for whatever reason its tone and style just consistently seemed cheap to me. Granted a lot of it was still very close to either the book or at least its spirit, and I thought a lot of the casting choices seemed pretty spot on