orangewaxlion for anyone hoping to see the other categories (I don’t think I caught any links that otherwise led to the other nominees?)

That was his son, Skaar or something, whereas Hulkling has a wildly different backstory and a confusing name they just never got around to shifting to match his actual origin story.

They implied she was even from LA and it was a return for her to the area, so at some point in between things could have been enacted that made it possible for her to not know if she went on some retreat? Only being six-ish years out from modern day is a weird choice.

I do wonder if it’s the material? I really don’t pursue Cena projects but when he turns up in something I planned on watching or checking out anyway he’s often a pleasant surprise. Blockers, Barbie, what Peacemaker stuff I’ve encountered by happenstance… end of list?

There were a bunch of weird sentences in this article I had trouble making sense of that I wondered if this was AI generated at first?

I liked them enough at the time (though I still haven’t brought myself to watch Apocalypse all the way through) but it was distracting in the live action movies so far (Short of New Mutants surprisingly?) how all the mutants of color who aren’t blue* are inevitably evil and/or useless.

Zoe Kravitz’ Angel character was nominally meant to be Afro-Latina right, but they cast her and the character rapidly turned evil?

I assume her point is that it slightly helps remind people there are special raised standards to address guns/animals/why-not-children, and that the cast/crew would be reminded just because they’re all doing more or less the same end product and hours, that they need to act accordingly.

About 11 months ago counting as “just aired” for the third season threw me off a little and made me wonder if I missed more new content  

So comments exist again?

It is so deeply confusing to learn there’s a writer on this show who apparently subconsciously inspired the name of a regular on it. 

On the newspaper that blows by you can see allusions to the Hellfire Gala and a mutant fashion spread that contains a really weird mix of characters (Nature Girl, Dust, Maggot, Banshee, etc) but who knows if that’s a plot detail or they’re just visually engaging.

I think that was a fair point, though.

It would be a little weird if, to humor some demos, she had to be a derivative monster of one of the other preexisting monsters. She doesn’t share many of the same design tropes as Frankenberry? 

The concept album (with a crazy lineup of vocalists) and the original off Broadway cast recording have both been out for awhile, I do get the argument that it would be hard to redo that with 19 musicians when they’re mostly Fat Boy Slim beats?

I thought Annette Benning was Mar-Vell but it’s just most of her backstory was all left implicit. I’m not that familiar with the Kree space stuff though so maybe that doesn’t really align. 

At first I thought “unimaginable” was some editorializing but I scrounged for another article and it seems like that’s their infuriating official description.

I get that it was an honest mistake, but it’s not a great look that the article indicates the stars of RRR performed the big song from the movie, when the embedded video has the names of the actual performers.

It’s a weird concept for a film and the age gap certainly makes it iffier but it does seem like an existing narrative trope that happens a lot more— the idea that parents are concerned about their sons being virgins and sometimes are desperate enough to hire sex workers as a misguided confidence booster/rite of passage

The Blank Check podcast made me hyper aware of weird billing— it’s interesting Ke Huy Quan gets top billing per this teaser?