I liked the book enough though it’s a little boggling how very little of it seems present from the teaser footage so far. The most provocative content with the cousin I assume there’s no chance in hell they could pull off. Nor the blond kid subplot?
I liked the book enough though it’s a little boggling how very little of it seems present from the teaser footage so far. The most provocative content with the cousin I assume there’s no chance in hell they could pull off. Nor the blond kid subplot?
Debbie Harry’s not on this track despite the Parton press release, right? I assume she’d have featured in the separately shot music video if she were. Wonder what happened there. (Does she have strong feelings about the Patriots or just wasn’t available?)
I thought it was going to be a comedy in some capacity, but what surprised me was it taking place in modern day. (I kind of figured it was going to be a colorblind cast period movie.)
I’ve seen the movie but I would argue some of the things you labeled as minor spoilers were also pretty big components regardless if someone’s seen the other movie for further context.
I’ve only seen bits and pieces but they have had a surprising and bizarre array of pretty big names buried among the “who?”s. A bunch of soul/RnB legends, Kermit the Frog, Mikey Rourke, Giuliani… not all that many movie stars now I think about it though?
Whatever works for her works. I think it’s funny in comparison knowing that she did/does a lot of internal work but there was a clip of her staring into the middle distance while doing a zoom junket with Lady Gaga discussing her own elaborate process for presumably the umpteenth time
I think he’s the guy in the watercolor court sketches with the panicked expression during Todd’s bit.
I mostly see gently peeved headlines taking incels deathly seriously about their complaints, I wasn’t aware anyone was anythinging Nikki? I gussed she was going to be a riff on that one mysterious paralegal or legal assistant with the monkey but I’m pretty okay with Nikki as someone I assumed the the show made up…
For reasons I never learned my local affiliate used to start SNL at 11:35. I am fuzzy on if there was even an era where it used to start at 12:05 since there was a local sketch show (the start of Joel McHale’s media career?) that even preempted SNL.
I thought so much of the Feige lore is that he taught himself all of the deep comic stuff as an adult?
I have the exact same opinion about Booksmart and the trailers since it seems like Wilde is a very visual filmmaker who has some pretty impressive casts in her film, but somehow a lot of the press she does risk overshadowing the work.
A lot of the Williams super cuts are pretty funny, but I’ve actually really dug Sherri Sheppard as an actress.
With my quick and incredibly dirty math, does the epilogue of the movie end up taking place this year too?
I got him mixed up with the alleged(?) sex criminal Gossip Girl star for a second.
I was confused by the link to last week’s article that says Elvis came in second but this one says it won.
Aisha Tyler was only in nine episodes? Lauren Tom got seven, so it’s weird she was banished to the supporting sentence with actors who only showed up once.
I wonder if they ended up doing this for all the extras in that particular sequence?
It makes enough sense to me, there’s opulence porn for the people where House Hunters is essentially vicarious wish fulfillment or how so much media is about seeing photogenic people in photogenic environments. A lot of the same critique went towards Crazy Rich Asians except the lead clearly found it distasteful as…
To my eternal delighted surprise Feig is doing an A Simple Favor sequel.
While there were a lot of things that didn’t work in the Oz/Kidman one, I thought there were some new ideas introduced to the material. It’s weird revisiting the movie and seeing that some of the proto-30 Rock reality TV shows aren’t all that different from now, the expectations mostly on women to feel equally on top…