It seemed like this happened with Wandavision too, I swear at first the episodes didn’t have titles and they were added afterward. I assume with journalists and early screeners they didn’t want some of those titles to leak too far in advance?
It seemed like this happened with Wandavision too, I swear at first the episodes didn’t have titles and they were added afterward. I assume with journalists and early screeners they didn’t want some of those titles to leak too far in advance?
I was pleasantly surprised to see that Cordero had billing too (especially after being in a Star War!) but I noticed in Wandavision that still applied even if that actor only showed up in stock footage or non-speaking background, like with Debra Jo Rupp.
I’d heard stories about people in NYC using MP essentially as a bathroom pass, but where are these movie theaters where the bathrooms aren’t gross? I get public ones would be particularly hard to find in some bigger cities and they’re going to be paywalled at multiplexes, but they generally don’t rank high.
Does it count as a hit on that first bit?
I’ve long adored this movie and really looked forward to The Half of It as soon as I learned about its existence, but this piece resolved two of my bigger mysteries— why on earth was Will Smith a credited producer on this, and why did it take so long for a follow up. (Hopefully the fairly positive reception for The…
Someone below had the analogy of Trader Joe’s having a bread artisan too, but this sort of thing absolutely happens in other sectors— like when Target gets capsule collections by Jason Wu or whoever else.
The Watchmen show gets messy though since even though I loved it, it is something pretty much explicitly done without the blessing of one of the creators.
I interpreted that hair as kind of frumpy, which did fit the character’s origin, but I didn’t super love it. However it is still fairly distinct and a much more cosplayable aesthetic than a lot of the other female characters in the franchise.
There’s some Youtube video where people made Flamin’ Hot Frosted Flakes and they argued to have more or less successfully reverse engineered the powder.
Jollibee’s is a Filipino comfort food chain that has some inroads across the US. Their spicy fried chicken I remember being really great, and a lot of the other stuff can be that kind of fusion food a lot of American colonized Pacific regions have, like loco moco, ketchupy spaghetti, and rice noodle dishes with…
Wow, a lot of the other comments in this thread are dire, but yea.
I genuinely appreciated the piece, it seemed fairly well researched.
I didn’t really read Avengers as a kid so I knew nothing about the guy really, nor the fact he was Nazi adjacent— but in the movies Zemo was never Hydra.
I took issue with the idea that while Tony meant well most of the time, a lot of his wounds were somewhat self-inflicted.
In terms of the main girls it all seems plausible enough— though maybe Bubbles and porn seems a little too far in the direction of self-infantilization and cutesiness going hand in hand with wanting attention by any and all means. But Buttercup did have the most tomboy vibe of them and being a have it all Type A…
He generally just does a lot of fight choreography in everything I’ve seen but I feel like he’s capable of more range than he’s generally given credit, given the distinction between the goofy comic relief in Guardians of the Galaxy and I remember him being more placid in Blade Runner 2049.
I’m less invested in this than you so I didn’t mean to sound super glib— but it’s just with comics I feel like people give weird passes to some heroes because of years of affection (Stark) but others tend to be ostracized— like Cyclops killing Xavier one of those times or for cheating on his wife with the original…
It played at a film festival and I didn’t really have anything to go off of other than blurbs in some of the local guides. I forget if this was one of them at the time but I’m surprised to learn NYT apparently gave it a fairly warm review.
That was close to being a first date for me, and I think it went about equally disastrously when it ended up becoming a group hang with a bunch of my straight women friends.
I only watched snippets of it so maybe I didn’t catch the worst qualities of it. The opening tracking shot was really neat, it helped establish the aesthetic of the venue (which I thought looked great… though it apparently was a pain for local commuters and homeless people, and for audience participants it apparently…