
One thing I liked about Bryan Fuller was his weird insistence on recycling a bunch of elements across his shows, like Beth Grant playing either three similarly named characters or the same person at different life stages on Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, and his failed Munsters reboot/TV movie.

I wondered about the trailer footage too— if there’s one decade each episode then they run out of decades at some point yet we’ve seen some shots of characters in outfits they already wore once but they didn’t ultimately end up in those episodes.

I don’t know if it applies to the whole season or how often those ratings actually change episode to episode but the label on the series itself indicates it’s PG? It doesn’t seem like many shows would then veer wildly off in tone even if they might be allowed to on a streaming platform.  (Granted I’m surprised some of

It seems like some of them are slightly scared about what’s going on and it implicitly happened long enough ago to predate Wanda, Vision, and Geraldine moving in?

It seems like when things have shifted out of the light tone that she’s the one that has the greatest sense of control in the past.

Vision is partially technology no matter what his confusing backstory is (did Jarvis, the AI, die in the films too, and brought about Vision?) so that could play a little into why he could plausibly come back while other dead characters might not.

Apparently it’s a SWORD logo, which in effect just makes it parallel to SHIELD from the films. They apparently changed what the acronym means so who knows where they go with it— if it’s meant to be a one to one successor or if the more violent vs defensive acronym means anything since they seem to play it sinister. 

I feel like the Disney+ credits are longer than on other streamers because they credit all the dub actors on cards at the end as well. (I’ve never really paid attention to how other companies handle it but it seems like Disney’s interface makes me more likely to see it for whatever reason?

I’m presuming that he would watch sequential episodes of shows and not circle back, but based on his math it kind of sounds like he watched all but the finale of a shorter series like I Hate Suzie.

I assumed the point was that it was like S1mone and the idea of wholly constructing buzz for a new It Girl who presumably by the end of the article was meant to obviously not exist... but then she ended up with a career anyway since she was a pretty girl on the cover of something?

I’m not trans so I may not fully understand this, but birth names for trans people are often/sometimes a thorny topic and often referred to as “dead names” since they’re often used by family to try and re-assert old identities.

It seemed like 20% of the Republican strategy this year was to try and smear Biden’s living son. It does seem like someone cartoonishly evil enough to murder his kids would already have some scandals of his own and thus would probably be more analogous to a Trump figure. 

I was a little perplexed how many wipes there were in the base sequence when I’d forgotten that was a Star Wars visual trope in most of the other episodes, but when they got to the chasm stuff it was impressive how great that all felt while still getting in some organic comedic beats. 

Was it intentional every one you listed was an adaptation of some other existing art (though I’m not familiar with the Wicker Men to tell how muchinspired by a story” might deviate from the more explicit adaptations)?

Weirdly it’s almost the opposite to me, when it’s a nighttime scene it seems a little claustrophobic to me where it feels like I can guess the seams of where the physical sets end and what’s the video game matte painting environment, like that weirdly sparsely populated graffiti planet with red eyed monsters or when

I think it could be a matter of him learning about another culture that ceremonially doesn’t remove their face coverings and doing a deep dive or being raised by his clan that had a vested interest in normalizing that?

It seems like water occasionally features with basically any scene in Naboo, where I’m pretty sure at least in Clones there was a romantic boat ride, and I think in Last Jedi there may have been boats for the casino planet that were actually hovercraft? Most things coming to mind did seem to be multipurpose like the

I find that so jarring since I thought that the end performances came off so light and breezy that I wouldn’t have expected nearly that much heated tension in the making of it.

They got some major players of the original trilogy back and it’s a little weird that she was one of the only ones willing to play game from the new series. (And I guess they did get some returning voice actors from the prequel era.)

I swear they had a shot where it looked like the baby did understand some of the pain the mother felt and then they still ended that scene with the baby eating another one.