I listened to his EP and it was interesting how many different genres he dabbled in there.
I listened to his EP and it was interesting how many different genres he dabbled in there.
I’d say by far Beauty and the Beast was the biggest thing in terms of scale and recognition in the general public, even if all three of them have been making interesting career choices (Watson probably being the one where people have heard of them, but I assume Radcliffe isn’t just doing Miracle Workers for the money…
I get this sentiment, but as someone who’s part of various communities subject to incredibly half-assed apologies, there are so many “I’m sorry if anyone was offended (but here are three or four mitigating circumstances)” ones versus “I’m sorry and will try to do better” that sometimes people are even more offensive…
The nature of genetic and chosen families is an interesting through line with the Hauntings. I dig both of the seasons but I feel like the first one was definitely stronger in terms of being more of an unknown pleasant surprise and its stumbling points, to most people who had them, seemed mostly with the finale.
Not racist per se, but weird. I remember there being a lot of ambiguity about if she were Korean or Chinese and the fact Rowling never really addressed it, despite the character eventually getting a somewhat expanded role in the franchise. It’s essentially a slap dash family name from each culture, breaks from the…
Oh yeah, he’s pretty close! As a kid I really got into the whole Ender series, ancillary spin-off, and some of his other novels— including one about a planet where people were literally gender-fluid which I had interpreted as fairly sympathetic towards gender/sex minorities— but it was really jarring when I learned…
I’m not sure how it is with others but for me the TERF stance and her constant tripling down on it was more of a straw that broke the camel’s back situation. In that vaguely suspicious copy/pasted rant into her response to a child’s drawing, it seemed like she immediately got very hostile and defensive rather than…
There was also a different actor in a Hulk movie, if I remember the timing correctly, but there’s essentially no overlap between Norton’s take and Ruffalo so it really was like introducing another character.
I wonder how they are going to course correct if there’s a fourth season, is there any chance they’d honestly bring back any favorite cast or crew members or have too many bridges been burnt? (Jones and Betty Gilpin could go a long way. Assuming the latter wasn’t killed off last season somehow.)
It doesn’t seem all that off from Buzzfeed videos where their content creators seem to get the company to foot their bills so they can try various price points of Korean BBQ or get makeovers. Or even just import foreign candies on their behalf for taste test videos.
I wondered about the premise of children growing up and forgetting things— it seemed like they did set up that Henry grew up with the supernatural soldier friend but eventually forgot he existed, whereas Peter was very consumed by his childhood pain that happened in real life?
Wasn’t there a vaguely happy ending though, since all that ceremony Jamie went through to see Dani actually pays off? (Granted I’m unclear if it always pays off and she doesn’t know that, or that was the first time.)
I’m not sure the show really did successfully follow through on the costs of magic. While killing a goat seemed to keep Leti’s house safe from entry of people with bad magical intentions, it was just a couple of bloodless(?) incantations that could grant Lettie and presumably the others invulnerability, just they have…
I actually thought both characters were fairly sympathetic, though Ruby sexually assaulting that manager went appallingly far.
That’s kind of what I would have assumed too, but the show itself is not especially clear on the logistics or scopes of things.
If I remember the second episode correctly didn’t they just ignore the new black people in town, aside from that single eventually dead gamesperson Ruby wears?
Ruby didn’t seem especially bad? I thought they set up a fair point about how Ruby stayed home while her bohemian sister got to be skinny, more traditionally photogenic, pass paper bag tests (I think???), travel then take all her glory the moment she swings back in town, gets a bunch of press, attention from men, and…
Christina giving Leti back her invulnerability was shown in the flashbacks of Ji-Ah’s powers reviving everyone’s life but there was so much going on I had no idea what was supposed to be important (I feel like there was some footage of stuff that didn’t need to be explained nearly as much).
With the old school definitions of rich democracy as the first world, the second world being communist, and the third world being essentially anyone else and with implicitly less fiscal resources... doesn’t that mean that communist China would nominally have more power than the western/first world? I’m pretty sure…
What exactly was the point of anything Christina was going to accomplish again? For a second I thought it was immortality meets invulnerability but they seemed to give and take away that latter one with essentially no consequences and in hindsight they demonstrated she already had it multiple times.