
Prius buyers still can not get a hybrid minivan unless they want to buy a Chrysler.

Get Doug Demuro to ask Land Rover instead. I bet their PR department will jump at the chance to let Doug “test drive” this model with the entire Land Rover engineering department showing up at the test track with live RPGs’ and AK-47s’.

This is the case in CA. I think the issue is affluenza.

The police have the video. Impound the cars as evidence. The car owners will start talking.

The guy did have to walk towards the car and push the dent out. Besides, you never know what shit might fall on your feet when you work on cars. I had my seat slip out of my hands and fall on my feet once. Luckily, I had steel toe boots.

You mean fuck the police chief, mayor of Irving, and the school supervisors.

This damn tease, the Mazda Kabura. Mazda had a working prototype, took it to the track, and even let Jay Leno cruise around in it for a day. Everyone loved it, and then nothing.

It was a circuit board with an LED display. It was a much bigger version of the picture of the digital alarm clock.

That shiny thing is clearly a beryllium sphere for detonating uranium.

That is clearly a bomb! It has cylinders!

It worked for Hawaii, Cuba and the Philippines.

Good. Let Russia fund the eradication of ISIS. It is about time someone else took the crap for waging war in the Middle East.

Fuckin’ Audi. I know that “step 1: remove front facia “instruction for every repair item anywhere.

The German cars lost the engine bay space the moment they stopped production of N/A 4 cylinders with the M44. I have the M42 and those things are like cockaroaches. They never die and you can hide dead bodies in the engine bay.

“The good news is that there’s a presidential election coming up, which means we can finally rid ourselves of the failed Obama and Bush administrations and elect someone who can take a serious look at these Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and make major changes.”

I am not sure if these situations could be avoided on a new car. If the buyer was an early adopter, there is no way to know what parts are more prone to failure. The solution might just be to suck it up and trade the car in for a more reliable used car where there user feedback to make a purchase decision.

I like it, but does this count as towing?

Hi Dave,

There is no other way to call it. $500 million of my city’s tax dollars are spent each year to help homeless people and the homeless population gets larger, not smaller. By their own admission, they come to San Francisco for the free benefits. What else would a reasonable person call it?

Done that. New BMW’s have oil sensors in lieu of diptsticks. I prefer the reliable dipstick.