
In BMW’s going back to 1992 (at least) there is a sensor that needs to be replaced with the brake pads. When the pads get too thin, it wears out the surface of the sensor to create an open circuit and light up an icon on the dash.

Mandatory tutorial of car operations built into the car. Who actually reads the manual anymore? Make the car force the first time user to go through the car’s operations and safety features and how to use them before driving.

I concur. Nobody has ever had unintended acceleration with this device.

This will be great in cities where bums sleep in your driveway.

Call in sick and sleep it off. Problem solved.

I would be careful about telling everything. Being a listener but don’t have the expectation of the reciprocal is the more appropriate approach. Asking about someone’s day is fine. However, if work really sucks, it becomes a downer after a while. I listen to my wife’s grievences because I want her to let it out and


I’ve seen this before. Those are body snatchers!

The problem is there are too many guns in circulation to do an outright ban even if you got the votes to amend the Constitution.

“police officers receive far less training and probably shouldn’t.”

So nobody looks at their tachometer anymore? BMW’s with start/stop had me guessing whether the engine was on, but a quick glance at the tach let me know if the engine was running.

Jesus would be pleased.

I could see this thing dropping bombs, too.

Thanks, hexagonist. And thanks, Google for the pic of the hot girl.

The drug cartels in Central America have made better the jungle.

Did North Korea hire Richard Rawlings to maintain their subs?

Did that sub beach itself on the rocks? I have never seen a submarine this close to shore without a dock.

Those are great suggestions. I would add that DIY’ers go on and look up their potential projects first. Home Depot offers videos that give a good idea of what items a project requires. Go in knowing what you need and what to expect.

Holy shit! You get more money selling the car as scrap metal.

That actually looks pretty good. However, I have this sneaking suspicion the end product will look like this.