In your argument, you both were right.
In your argument, you both were right.
Its because writers subscribe to the notion that Science Fiction has to be a dystopian setting or theres no room for any conflict.
Federation Credits were a thing.
“Not sure why gender matters in a video game, but congrats,” one user wrote.
So let me get this straight...
“visual armor customization”
Holy shit, someone make this happen. It would be an amazing follow up to AC3 with its ancestry tied to Connors, and a prequel to Syndicate. How easy is that?
Seriously, who cares what the average gamer calls it, if it’s “engine”, so be it. Devs and everyone else get the gist of it. Does using the wrong term invalidate the complaint? No.
Day 1 Warframe founder.
Wait, can you lose endorsements from downvotes? Because people are for sure going to get max level and then just go back to their normal elitist ways.
I get how some people don’t like gender locked classes or even female lead characters etc. That’s their choice but, to claim realism or history as a reason in a series that has always been James Bond style combat? C’mon man...
I’d like to mention that yes, you could ‘melt’ bad guys with the set stuff; that is until everyone on Reddit moaned that something was “op” and then Massive comes in to nerf it -making it fairly useless in PVE as well as PVP. That routine happened more often than not and all they did was shoot themselves in the foot…
If they allow mods like ARK does, this game will be huge. People will go nuts! Basebuilding and survival in a Fallout setting? Yes, please.
All I see is a horrible attempt to borrow from Inglourious Basterds with a dash of Fortnite to make some quick cash.
So “AAA” video games have nowhere to go but to become a “luxury” entertainment or just not exist at all? Is the setup cost of gaming not a factor in all this? (ie ISP fee, 3rd party network fees, PC hardware, software etc) I mean, it’s not really cheap to be just an average PC gamer today.
I agree publishers are the main culprit for games feeling more like an investment portfolio instead of a game.
Yeah uh, sounds like Division on launch and even then sometime after. It’s only recently where they changed it that good loot drops a little more frequently. It’s still rare -although their new Global Events help and are actually fun.
Nah. Human players are just as prone to doing the same routine over and over; creatures of habit and emotion. As evident in any PVP match from the beginnings of online gaming.