
Ugh terrible oversight of me not reading a Gizmodo article five years ago

I think what sold it as fake to me was the attached story. After the accident, some random good samaritans who just happened to have a trailer, loaded her bike onto their trailer, and drove her and her friends back to her home. Upon which they all just chilled and listened to music, including these random strangers

How lucky her motorcycle crashed during the golden hour.

I’m not surprised by the comments but I want to know why people think its okay to be mentally unhealthy as long as you’re not fat. In the long term neither one is good for the individual or society. This app is particularly disturbing since WW makes a lot of money off the desire not to be fat. It is basically grooming

As a proud fat athlete this shit makes me furious. Especially because if you’re really going to start working your core/glutes, get ready for them to get bigger before they get smaller. My fat ass has never been fatter. Higher and tighter but unless you’re punching my flexed cheeks (something I frequently make my

Wanna know my 100% tried-and-true, surefire, guaranteed way to fit your fat ass into a wedding dress?

Jokes are supposed to be funny

Better than being gamers it would seem...

Or, you know, you have injuries that require you to use velcro.

I hope I can one day improve my standing with FartsInElevators

Are you at all embarrassed that you are going absolutely insane on a post about Ariana Grande? Because I am more embarrassed for your rant than I’ll ever be for listening to Ariana’s music.

She actually sounds mature and self-aware....dont understand where the hate in the comments comes from. Shes a good artist who puts out catchy pop songs, i like her

Why would you pass up the opportunity to harangue someone like that?

I’m with you. White chocolate is neither white, chocolate, nor good, with the one exception of TCBY white chocolate frozen yogurt, which was the shit. But white chocolate is a fraud of the first order and does not deserve to be called chocolate AT ALL.

This cannot be starred enough. White Reese’s are nasty.

I saw this mentioned multiple times on Twitter, and thought, ‘huh, weird choice’ but didn’t care enough to pursue it further. Only now—after looking back and forth between the photo, and the headline, and the “one half of the R&B duo Chloe x Halle”—and it finally sunk in that we’re not talking about Halle Berry. 

This week we’re on summer hiatus. Back at full publishing schedule on Monday.

I avoid this problem by only eating at French minimalist restaurants that leave you hungry after three courses. Please pack that asparagus tip for my chien. Dans le sac de doggy.

We made a procedural call before the draft to classify those as noodle dishes rather than soups.

Um....sushi isn’t Chinese food