OPPOsaurus WRX

if you add up the when-new price of all that whats it come to?

I think the design is often impressive but I don't know how well the architecture treats the inhabitant. I'm sure with the right design it would be fine but at least with Boston's City hall it makes for a poor work environment. One of the biggest issues they have is updating the building (internet and stuff like

The rear reminds me a little of the new GT (the massing not so much the style). I bet the way they altered the rear, specifically the wing, is what will happen to the GT when its modified for Le Mans

I bet they handle this like rocket launches. Its not going anywhere if the conditions are not perfect.

That's an awesome concept. It would be really cool if it could do it to the minute

o man I love that movie

It can't be grounded to the ground. It's nor a Camry

yea but the apple car looks more like an egg than an apple. are toy actually from Boston?

if it is anything like this, it would be awesome

with the size of the lazer I was expecting for it to burn right through his hand.

neat stuff in cool cars. you guys should totally do more of those......

I know. I think driving the mt washington auto road makes up for that

i still havn;t made it to that road since I've had the WRX

that theory would also mean that the STI has made the WRX obsolete

Yep, the only reason I probably find it acceptable is that my Sport Trac was so much worse this seems like a Prius in MPGs

i'm pretty sure its closer to this point

the banks on either side of my driveway are so tall I can no longer throw snow on top. I've now sacrificed the last 4' of the end of my drive way and even with that the new pile is 4' tall.

i get what your saying but that doesn;t make it 'better'

there is no way in hell a comparably equipped fwd will outperform an AWD, just not, no

there was an article on here a little before the race was run. It talked about how theres more turns and maybe more elevation gain. I'm to lazy/busy at work to look it up. That drive is awesome tho, havnt gotten to do Pike's