OPPOsaurus WRX

3.) Pikes Peak

at first I didn;t think so but it looks like when he does the close up of the radiator there is still some fur stuck in there

my corvette is a hatchback

let me know how that works out for you. This is what I want for my wife in a couple years when hers needs replacing.

yea i took mine with me

my buddy almost died on this bridge. Like the doctor called his mother and said there is nothing left we can do. He went over his handlebars in the middle of a sunny day. He's back walking, a bit fucked up but far better than what the doctor was predicting.

Ferrari is the Camry of motorsports. Wow. Guess who isn't going to ever get invited to another Ferrari event or test drive.


your forgetting about all the people who just can't walk for 45 minutes without needing to sit and eat a BigMac

and dont forget, Boston can go fuck its self or sumthin like that - Gawker

same with my WRX.

looks pretty close to my WRX too. I love them.

haha thats awesome. I went to a high school over the weekend. A lot of it was legitimate practice. Last year I had summer tires so I knew exactly what would happen, I'd slip and slide everywhere. The Firestones are amazing. I did a bunch of quick starts and stops and it stayed right in line. It still launches

I would never.....

we need to meet up in a parking lot for a winter rally lessons on winter driving and safety. get SN210 in on it too. Maybe EssExTee will float a boat over

Yea they are much better off playing 3 hours of Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty.

i think there is one or two on the way to the cape too

what do you think those big white things taste like?

These things all overlook the most important part. Its not getting going that the problem. Its stopping that is the important part. It doesn't matter if its FWD AWD 4WD RWD, if you cant stop, your gunna have a bad day.