OPPOsaurus WRX

these people are idiots. I had them convinced to insure a 2012 Pontiac GTO. They even transferred the call to an accounts specialists to set up all the ‘paperwork’  These people are my favorite with a close second to the home security people.  I tell them I have a motion activated rocket propelled granade launcher

but you clicked the link and thats what really counts.

i was expecting chloroform.  I guess i was off a bit.  still an option tho.....

We accidentally stopped at churches on the way home from Atlantic City. We then stopped somewhere in Connecticut and shit our brains out

I was in my office washing my hands when the dude in the stall had finally finished with, based on sound and smell had just given birth to a dead school of fish, casually walks past the sink and out the bathroom. so basically he just skipped steps 1-6 and left me staring at the door handle like it was ready to murder

the tape could fall off, here are a few other options:

Ah shit. I went to fix mine toobut came to the same conclusion

this is pretty close

i’ve been trying to convince people of this for a long time

yea, i had no idea it was happening, The first time they went over I was waiting for the sound of the impact but it never came.

they have been spraying with airplanes t night.  One flew close by and was loud, a few minutes later one flew directly overhead.  It was loud and close enough to shake my windows.

i wont judge you, have another

maybe it will be something like this:

I’ve have (short) conversations with wealthy people about their cars. One was a Range Rover and the other the Alfa SUV. I asked both what engine they went with anf neither could answer. These people dont know the details about they stuff they buy except for that it was expensive and has the right logo.

sounds interesting. architects can have some pretty big egos so i’m sure they were very excited to be studied. those are some big names they had in their study. drafting as a lefty is a PITA

left handed architect here.

its a byproduct of my down time.

yea... its um like the Previa.... it actually shares the same platform as this:

you, no