
You’d think that being currently involved in a fucking lawsuit against the agency you’re being nominated to lead would rule you out, but hey. what do I know.

I can’t think of a single Trump campaign promise that he appears intent on delivering....

He does live in Arizona.

Lol. Talk about thirsty.


Not super related, but have you guys seen this shit?

Smart girl! I don’t even believe that they were projections, anymore (there were so many): it was deliberate campaign strategy to simply accuse her of everything of which he was guilty of doing that people would consider them more or less equal. And it seemed to have worked. Argh. 

Those Jade Helm FEMA trailers are looking good about now.

Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?

Speaking of holding press conferences, didn’t Trump promise to hold one today to discuss how he would separate himself from his business? Amazing how he wasn’t able to do that, but did find the time to go on a Twitter tirade about a restaurant review and the amazingly stupid Tweet above.

Hillary Clinton literally brought up Russia hacking the DNC during a debate where she and Donald were on the same stage. Now he’s trying to say that no one said anything until after he won?

If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.

NPR reported that the suspicion is that not only did Vlad know beforehand (was involved personally) but so was the Donald.

Doesn’t matter, next weekend is a Star Wars weekend too.


I’d have had her character immediately murder his character for “waking” her. There, sounds like a better movie already.

Mostly the tiny wife threatening him with violence. Which...if I had to be married to him...

Pretty much. Look at King of Queens. Improbably hot wife. Check. Professional Driver. Check. Comic relief neighbor. Check. Blue collar best friend. Check.

I’ve never seen enough episodes to confirm that there are barely masked threats of Partner violence played for laughs but I’m sure it’s in there.