Well taking a ferry isn’t technically driving just because you have your vehicle with you.
Well taking a ferry isn’t technically driving just because you have your vehicle with you.
I doubt he even has a To Do List.
and he’d kill trump’s only propaganda arm overnight.
Honestly the top brass at Twitter must be simultaneously shaking their heads at what their platform has become, while swimming in all the money they’ve made from it.
Yah but now that Drumpf tweeted, it never happened.
so he crawled out from under his rock.... how ....nice
Improbably hot wife. Check.
Then: one of these days! Right to the moon!
Thank you for giving me a new goal in life
Every weekend from now until after new years is Star Wars Weekend
it’s fun to watch these pop superstars in such a normal people scenario
I am not a pop music person, but dammit have to admit liking Mars
smart man
looser bowels
I used to play D&D with a guy who kept a Nazi flag up on his wall as a display. He always shrugged it off as just part of a ‘historical’ interest... but I always got the feeling that there was something deeper going on
No but I would wager Ailes would still find a way to enjoy it and avail himself of any attractive women them require assistance form the ministry, possibly funneling any 9's and 10's the Head Turnip’s way.
Yah that “cease fire” didn’t last long. Just this morning on the CBC they were interviewing people still in Aleppo, you can actually hear the shelling in the background while they spoke to a reporter there. Another described bodies, blood, and people trapped in the rubble with no way to escape.
If 2017 was like this but with evil people dying.
Wouldn’t that be nice.
a Trump voter who is dependent on Obamacare and whose husband needs a liver transplant