
I suppose they COULD go with the A380

Is there any part of the Presidency this guy actually wants?

Just risked my life trying (and failing) to buy beer in blizzard conditions while wearing alarmingly huge pants

I’m less scared of Kasich then Cruz though. Cruz is another Pence.

Think they’re all number two’s

The state dinners are going to be redonkulous.

In solidarity I will eat pizza tonight.

it ceases to be

No lie, growing up my folks only ever bought miracle whip, and used the word “mayo” when referring to it.

Nope that out the door and get yourself fresh mayo (or make some)

Kraft singles or Velveeta..... then you can possibly make a case.

smoked gouda, gruyere

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that not all Ford’s are assholes.

I’ve suggested to men that they need to press an 8lbs ham out of their asses*

She’s trying real hard to sound badass and coming off as a dickhead, not realizing that even guys that talk like that sound like dickheads too.

Damn, he’s got the voice for an 800 year old badass

Which is exactly the part that makes me laughcry in a way. We live in this every year, we know this is what happens and we know we have to alter our driving habits to deal with it.

behind a guy going too fast coming up to a sharp corner