
Once when I was holding my cat I stupidly did something that scared her. She dug her claws into me so deep that instead of a scratch I had like a little puncture wound surrounded by a small bruise. It was intense looking. And that was the day I learned that kitty doesn't like the sound the garage door makes.

Bathtime kitty could definitely cause those injuries. We had to give our Maine Coon kitty baths when she got too fat to clean herself and her butt fur got matted. It took 2 of us to hold her down, and she got some good swipes in every time. After awhile we gave up and started taking her to the groomer. I don’t think

My cat punched me in the eye once. Without claws. So for like a month, I had 1/3 of a normal-sized black eye going on, and had to tell everyone I was punched by a cat.

One of the most significant memories I have of my grandfather centers around his support of a female Rabbi. He grew up in an Orthodox family and with some degree of discomfort joined a Conservative Temple that was started by my Grandmom’s family (with others, of course). In 1978, when I was 14 my grandmom, aunt,

I have zero issues with that, but as an atheist, no respect is won either. Either religion is a set of rules about how to live granted to us from an omniscient, omnipotent being and you’re not allowed to don whatever you want, or all religion is whatever we want it to be, thus making every single rule not enforced by

Lol you totally get feminism!


I get you. I have this very lovely hand-made oak leaf and acorn motif set that is quite modest and comfortable to wear, but sometimes I find myself wishing I’d just opted for a plain thin band that is small enough you can totally forget you’re wearing it.

It really is an opportunity to demonstrate their values and earn goodwill from the public.

I’m very excited to see companies stepping up to the plate for some basic human rights with recent boycotts or boycott threats.

So, to be clear, you took everything that TheOtherBoleynGirl said—in response to your query mind you, and told her that she was either overthinking or wrong or that her concerns were useless because other people are stupid. I’m paraphrasing but that’s the gist, as I saw it. Way to be an ally.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This. It isn’t and never has been about advancing men of various groups. It has always been about stopping women from advancing theirs. They see feminism as a zero sum game.

Exactly! All these MRA types love to think of men as downtrodden, but they do little to nothing for the most vulnerable men out there. They’re silent about male victims of sexual assault unless they’re trying to derail a feminist argument about female victims. They’re silent about trans men. They’re silent about gay

I’m not a metalhead, but I try to keep up to speed on what’s happening in metal. I’ve never heard of these guys. Also worth noting that they aren’t even on the first two pages of search results for “Siegebreaker”.

So the MORAL thing to do is take a mother away from her child that is actually a living, breathing person on this earth.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. Every single woman has these experiences but men always seem so shocked by it or they try to ignore it/rationalize it. I’m so beyond sick of it. I wish men could spend time in women’s shoes. The type of men who get mad because they can't insult women and not be criticized, women wear

I recently posted a ‘thank you’ to a Good Samaritan who ‘saved’ me from an irate stranger. I was shaken and didn’t get his name but still wanted to post that what he did was very brave and special (which is sad in its own way).

“My next song explores how profoundly unfair it is that black people can use the n-word, and I can’t.”

Unfortunately this type of rhetoric is becoming more and more common among men. It makes me profoundly sad because when I think of all the terrible things that happen to women just because they’re women (harassment, rape, abuse, not being able to have basic necessary health care, unequal pay, being treated as less