
Bull fucking shit. I reported boys grabbing my tits MULTIPLE TIMES to my school and they fucking got detention. So no, this is not okay but don’t act like boys don’t get away with this bullshit EVERYDAY.

I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including

My college roommate and his wife choose a random third last name and both changed theirs, showing preference to neither family. Opening up the choice to any possible combination of letters might be a bit overwhelming, but it seems they were both huge Natalie Merchant fans, so it worked out for them.

Well written. I am actually quite sick to my stomach after reading this article; it’s one thing to find out about a wrong done during a four-year term, it’s another for it to have had the long-term lasting ramifications existing to this day, so engrained in the fabric of society. It’s just disgusting.

I have two major takeaways from this:

And invest heavily in Nabisco, Little Debbie and Hostess.

Take Mary Jane off the Schedule I list and watch crime fall like leaves in October.

Seriously, if anyone wants affordable decent makeup try ELF, Wet n Wild, NYX, and Colourpop.

If other people want to attempt a discussion, that’s cool. The comments don’t have to be an echo chamber. But according to this person’s comment history, their worldview is fucked. I personally would rather not see their sexist, anti-choice, rape apologist comments than try to to set them straight every time they say

My stay at home mother in the 70s didn’t do such a great job of care-taking because she was super depressed due to not being able to follow her dreams and have a career and being treated like a second class citizen because she wasn’t earning any money.

The problem is that people with OP’s mindset have a tendency to push an agenda of “this is how things should be because biology/religion etc” rather than just saying “This works for me and my family, and it’s great! What works for you and your family is great too.”

Oh my God you sound scary. No I do not want to find a man worthy of my submission, LOL. There is no such thing. I just happen to have a very confident, out-spoken personality and my husband, not so much. I have friends who are the opposite. There is no “submission” or “worthiness” involved.

It’s not Tomatoface. Just a plain old-fashioned sexist.

The only thing that suggests we haven’t come a long way is the abdication in earnest of gender responsibilities in the area of biology. There is no reason to believe both genders can’t have fulfilling lives inside and outside the home while still performing duties related to child rearing and provision.

Sorry, I’m too busy making more than my husband as an engineer to let him be the bread winner for our household. I’m also getting a tubal in a couple weeks so we won’t be having kids ever. We have separate finances and have things divided up equally because WE ARE FUCKING EQUALS. He is not my daddy who needs to

My stay at home husband has serious issues with your assumption. As do our kids.

No. Just no.

Your comment suggests that we have not come that far at all.

I never seem to have enough of the right “strength”. The multipacks are useless and I question whatever algorithm they used to calculate the breakdown.

True story: One time I asked my husband to pick up tampons for me on his way home from work. He went to the grocery store instead of Target so that he could also get me cake and PMS tea. The guy in line behind him said something along the lines of, “Wow, you’re a really good guy for getting all that period stuff for