
While you are right, the problem is this

That’s right out of the Gift of Fear. Any acknowledgement and/or engagement resets the length of time for harassment. Like a crying baby.

I think Canada inserted a proxy mandate for this subset of crimes. Dude wants to represent himself, fine, he can do that. But he MUST have a court officier handle the questioning of the accuser. He can do all the other stuff on his own, and he can confer with the court officer about what questions he wants posed but

There are times when you realize that it’s easier to just catapult yourself.

This is happening to a rich, famous, successful woman. It has been happening to her for years and she is still fighting it in court.

I wish reporters would ask every Republican...

The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.

Please let the pan heat up properly. Also, please don’t fail to realize that next-day pancakes are wonderful in the toaster. Let me know if you have any pancake related questions. I will help you.

fuck up the first two pancakes of a batch?

I get just as upset when people slut shame as when they “prude” shame. Your body, your business. People do and don’t have sex for a myriad of reasons and sexual liberation shouldn’t be based on your number of partners. Not to mention that your count is so subjective. A dozen (cough) partners may seem like a lot to

I personally would only count consensual encounters.

Is it really that great sleeping with so many people? It sounds exhausting and unsatisfying. Going to a strangers apartment to get naked with them, risk getting a disease, risk getting hurt by them and probably not even orgasm sounds terrible.

Yep, I’ve picked up a FB stalker on my public author page (and I discovered today that he’s following me on Twitter now, too—joy!). I am very glad to have a pen name between supremely midlist me and the internet’s crazies who might want to show up IRL. Most people who contact me are lovely, lovely, lovely. But some

IRL, I’m a Librarian, so peddling books (both in digital, and traditional formats) is what I do.

Probably a similar mechanism at work: Social progress means that the intersections of poverty and race start to vanish. When race become less indicative of power and status, those who were once “high status” now believe themselves to be just as susceptible as everyone else to poverty. They now have something new to

Obligatory #thanksobama.


I actually laughed out loud at this.

Montague’s attorney is really hitting those discrediting stereotypes hard, isn’t he? “She previously consented to sex with him, so how could she later decline?!” “Her behavior immediately after the alleged rape isn’t what I think I would do if I was assaulted, so she must be lying!” Let me guess, she’s also had sex

“So your client is in fact being punished for the crimes as a surrogate for somebody of a higher class who employed him in their service?”