I’m a guy and, having known and even seen guys get roofied in gay bars, I’ve taken my drinks with me, set them on the toilet top while peeing in the bowl. I’ve seen guys just stick their drinks on the top of urinals.
I’m a guy and, having known and even seen guys get roofied in gay bars, I’ve taken my drinks with me, set them on the toilet top while peeing in the bowl. I’ve seen guys just stick their drinks on the top of urinals.
I just bring the drink with me in the bathroom and cover it with my hand. Might be gross or whatever but better than being drugged.
We’re always told to fear strangers, but most assaults are by people we know and trust. Because they’re the ones we let get close to us. I hope he rots too.
BUTTONS ARE THE WORST. If you buy a button up shirt in the size that fits you everywhere, you might as well get a tent. If you buy the size that shows that you have an actual waist, they gap. With cardigans I just kind of stretch the top part out a little, put on a scarf, and hope for the best.
This exact scenario has happened to me my whole life. I have a very distinct memory of wearing a tank top in high school gym and being told never to wear it again. I pointed out a girl in the class wearing the same exact shirt, and was told “it’s different on her”.
i kind of get it. my mother is bipolar, but she’s ok as long as she takes her meds. some days, she thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t need her meds. my dad will come in and remind her that she is ok because she’s taking her meds right and then he’ll watch her take them. he also makes sure she doesn’t miss any of her…
I like that most of the responses aren’t “Good job putting her in her place brah.” Small victories. :\
I get the general icks from anything to do with reporting on this issue. This is a private medical situation for Ms. Spears, and it is none of our business, ESPECIALLY since she has not complained or tried to change the situation.
I think we do a major disservice when we depict animals like chimpanzees as basically people and tigers as large house cats and so forth. Most people have no idea how dangerous chimpanzees are, that they wage wars against other groups and literally tear enemy chimpanzees apart. There are light years of distance…
I think anybody who has a primate for a pet is a jerk and an idiot to the highest order. Same for big cats and most other exotic animals, if not all, honestly.
i think you are just viewing them accurately bb
First of all, she is amazing for giving her all to this experiment. I hope that science advances far enough that face transplants (or 3D-printing faces!!) are a real possibility for everybody.
I feel the same way about UTI meds... I know when I have one, I don’t understand why I have to go to the doctor pee a thimble full into a cup for him to tell me “looks like you need another round of cepro... since you’re allergic to everything else we might treat you with” (seriously, they give me so much side eye…
I’m sorry that she had to go through all of that surgery and trauma and have it all fail because of something so seemingly minor.
Right? Make them take a mystery pill 3 times a day. Could be placebo. Could be a laxative. Could be an Ambien. Could be an emetic....
My sister likes to remind me that in high school, when I would get my period I’d be in so much pain that I would scream at her to just kill me. I don’t blink when getting waxed, needles, etc. don’t even make me nervous. But there have been many times when my cramps were so painful that I passed out.
“A lot of young girls and women have to plan their life events around their menstrual cycle and it suuuuucks”
Also, I forgot the amazing first day of your period where you (or at least I) pee and poo off one pant size.
Yes. Twist those nipples regularly a few times a day for a week, and random kicks in the lower back.