
You dismissed everything she said without really listening or understanding. YOU could dismiss those things if they happened to YOU because you are a man and you don’t have to deal with this stuff. I’ll give you an example- I was singled out by an old man at a restaurant for breastfeeding my child, something that

No, no, no, we do not need anymore Christian men running things around here. Just no.

Is it really that great sleeping with so many people? It sounds exhausting and unsatisfying. Going to a strangers apartment to get naked with them, risk getting a disease, risk getting hurt by them and probably not even orgasm sounds terrible.

The average flaccid penis size is around 3.5 inches, 5.5 erect, per Google. Based on what I’ve seen as a nurse, that’s seems about right.

I get that some people love the super huge, veiny, baby arm dicks (and I really hope he didn’t do this for anyone but himself), but lots of us are totally fine with normal sized penis’s. Like, really, getting fucked by a horse sized dick just sounds painful and rough and uncomfortable, no thanks.

I love my iud. I’m going to strongly suggest them to my girls when the time comes. I wish I’d gotten one for the many sex having years before wanting babies, it would have greatly reduced my stress and worry.

I’m starting to suspect that long running article is some sort of inside joke I don’t get because I’ve never clicked on one.

Same :( I’m actually quite happy with the extra pounds I carry because I feel more feminine and I think I look nicer EXCEPT for under my chin. I hate it. I can have a thin face, chicken legs and no boobs, or three chins, a nice rack and some booty.

I saw a clip of her crying while her dad tried not to break down testifying by how much this has changed her and they’re sharing the video in public....

Please go into detail

Have you looked up ablation?

“...passed largely out of concern over what would happen to unused embryos.”

We have a huge Mexican population where I live and you know what? It’s great! We have a more diverse culture, more bilingual adults and children, tons of different celebrations and of course, some really kick ass restaurants. It’s awesome and I love it and I think our town is better for not just being a bunch of white

Pencil is nice for brainstorming sessions, nothing is permanent so you don’t have start over when something changes.

So they’re opening up the Vatican to all those babies born with birth defects?

He’s going to kill her. He’ll do everything he can to ruin her life and when that doesn’t feel like enough, he’ll take it.

I know one too.

The only thing I really regret in life is going to college. I could have become a drywaller after high school and been better off than I am now.

So the arrest was for violating the court order and not for defaulting on the loan, correct? So presumably they could arrest anyone not making court ordered payments for other things, like say, medical debt?

She didn’t give this award to herself. Be annoyed it was given to Queen Vanilla if you want, but she’s just doing her job- making music that large groups of people enjoy.