
naw it’s not uncommon in showbiz. just the other day i was watching an episode of the good wife where they made fun of an actor who put make-up on her breasts. of course some people don’t know this is a thing precisely because of that culture of normalizing lots of make-up to seem “natural;” people think nicely

Buckle up for the comments on this one.

But he was 5 inches erect. While that may not be massive, it IS decidedly average. Which means he wasn’t even ‘below’ average. That’s what I don’t understand.

He’s proud, perhaps for the first time ever. I’ll allow it. The real one who lacks class is his ex, who apparently shamed him.


“It made me question whether I could have a fulfilling sex life.”

I THINK, at least based on the rest of the quote, it made him question his likelihood of being a “normal” sexual being. Like if his fiancé leaves him due to this and there isn’t anything he can do to change it so maybe other ladies won't be into it either, his life (the sexual part at least) is going to be different

I hate you and I love you for it.

I hate funny cashiers. My only experience with this as a non-ovulatory person was when my wife asked me to get a pregnancy test. It was the morning of the Super Bowl one year and we were trying to get pregnant. She was a little late and decided just to double-check before having alcohol that night. Anyway, I get up to

Why not? It’s a cultural community thing, it’s not an open concert, the church isn’t selling tickets. It’s part of their worship. If it was a public concert, that’s fine, that’s an invitation to a performance. There’s been a lot of debate about whether or not it’s inappropriate for cis straight people to go to gay

Sort of torn about this. Yes, it’s great that she’s on the cover. She’s incredibly beautiful, and we do not see the beauty of women of color celebrated enough. I love that we’re seeing a black woman in cornrows for once, as opposed to on the heads of white models in runway shows that have no women of color. They sure

I think the closest I can recall in real life was when Owen Labrie’s lawyers dressed him in a nerd costume for his sexual assault trial so he didn’t look like the captain of the varsity rape team anymore.

The cashier telling Marcia “Guess the defense is in for one hell of a week, huh” after she bought tampons

Best sign ever.

Who do you hire to replace Beyoncé? A Star Is Born starring Taylor Swift? A Star Is Born starring Rihanna? Don’t get me wrong, I’d see both of those movies, but would they be any good?

How do they manage to wriggle around regulations? Don’t cabs have to have a license? How is this service even legal? Do I really want any old unemployed Joe Blow who doesn’t even have a boss to report to or a license to keep driving me around while I’m in a vulnerable state (like being drunk)? Idk, idk.

Reporting the incident to the company doesn’t prove they didn’t report it to the police. But it’s cute that you seem to think the police act much differently than the company did here. At least Uber didn’t invalidate the claim based on what the person was wearing.

I actually sort of buy their excuse for the “rape” search but that doesn’t explain the results for “assaulted.” No one is named “Johnassaulted Smith” or something.

I would turn down that penis. Getting my cervix rammed into my spleen is not on my list of kinks.