
I could see that happening.

I’m going with real. I’ve seen lots of dick.

She is a wizard. Fo Sho.

THIS. It’s not about dumping a Lowes truck full of cash on a mob of screaming students, it's about SUSTAINABLE, SYSTEMATIC SUPPORT. Ugh. Sorry for yelling.

I totally understand where you’re coming from, but Spain has been all over local news as one of the schools that so quickly went downhill because of DPS neglect it brought attention to the need for emergency help and subsequent teacher sick-outs and spurred protests across the district. If these teachers get any help

Yes, this exactly. And this is just one schools of thousands.

I don’t get the impression that he gave any money away. The article reads like it all came from Ellen and Lowes.

It’s moving, but also terribly depressing. Justin Bieber is doing more good for Detroit Public Schools than the Republican- led government. Instead of 1) not fucking things up in the first place, or 2) fixing their own fuckups in a timely fashion, they have turned Michigan into a charity case.

Generosity is really, really awesome, but the city of Detroit, and the state of Michigan by extension, should have never fucking let it get this bad. It shouldn’t be up to rich celebrities to provide basic public necessities.

My ire was directed at the governor sorry for the confusion.

“This will sounds insane, but I think the safest alternative for residents of flint is to invest in a rain barrel for wash water and buy drinking water.”

Please get your “They” right. The horrible Michigan governor used his power to circumvent local elections and put in place croney “Emergency Managers,” who had complete say over the city’s actions and infrastructure. The mayor of Flint’s only power is the bully pulpit. And that woman has been singing it loud and

The river water is softer than the water in Lake Huron - it contains fewer sulfate or carbonate ions - which means it is more likely to leach lead from the pipes. Lead pipes with hard water aren’t a real problem provided they aren’t disturbed (although there is zero reason to install them nowadays what with the

Saltwater’s also not safe to drink. I doubt anything can be both corrosive to metal and not make you sick to drink it.

He doesn't just need to resign, he needs to be brought up on charges of extreme criminal negligence. This guy shrugged his shoulders while tens of thousands of people were poisoned.

This goes much higher up. She wasn’t the one who put emergency managers in place. Rick Snyder needs to be recalled since he doesn’t have the good graces to resign.

It was never about the source of the water, but about how they were treating the water from the new source. They were not using the same anti-corrosion elements, so when they switched to using the same water as Detroit, without having an anti-corrsion system in place, the pipes corroded, leading to lead poisoning.

Actually, the main reason she was elected was because she was pushing to find out the truth about the state of the water. She’s spent her entire time in office trying to fix this — and being ignored.

I’m hearing reports that they are still sending water bills to these people. It's outrageous if it's true.

How wonderful that they’re taking the initiative to replace these dangerous pipes before they poison tens of thousands of people and....oh wait.