
It’s the online equivalent of being a flasher. Why do flashers do what they do? To startle, scare, or humiliate women? Unless a guy tells me otherwise, I’m going to assume it’s about humiliation.

Serious question: Does Eminem ever get tired of dressing like a preadolescent? I mean, if I had to dress exactly as I dressed at fifteen for the rest of my life (as simplifying as it would be), I would go stark raving mad.

From a local Facebook group:

Not to mention, disciplining your child for having inappropriate boundaries about their body by assaulting their body is fucked up on so many levels.

“Assault” is the correct term for hitting someone with a fucking hockey stick.

A modern, clean, safe abortion with doctors and consenting, educated women is an enlightened choice. And you sound so enlightened right now, comparing a relatively painless, usually quick procedure that women had to literally die for, to abandoning a full grown toddler

You think your “gggg grandkids” will look back and think that taking a pill in the 1st trimester of pregnancy to abort a literal clump of cells with no CNS (i.e., 90%+ of all abortions) is barbaric? Ok, crazy.

White, well privileged with access to quality health care and support if she became pregnant but also with access to high quality birth control options and a complete inability to empathize or understand that some people may not be so privileged. That’s my guess anyway.

Exactly. The next sign right underneath it should say:

Yup. As I said in another post, the 90's was a far better time in general for black people on TV and movies than today. NY Undercover, Living Single, Fresh Prince, Martin, Wayns Bros., In Living Color...just to name a few, there were sooooo many more gems.

Oh my god the seamstress-to-nightclub singer would be amazing.

But I also want to watch movies about black debutante balls and the Great Migration and a coming-of-age movie about a black teenager in Houston who loves to skateboard and gets into trouble with her Desi best friend. Those films are surely out there waiting to be made. I guarantee that somewhere there sits a great

“More movies with black people just being people.’

Wouldn’t it be crazy to have a mainstream, blockbuster with all black cast etc. just a regular old movie.

You know what I would love? More movies with black people just being people. Like dramas, character pieces, etc., with black people just being normal people, you know, like we are in real life. Not “black movies” (stay away Tyler Perry. Stay far, far away). Not slavery movies. Not Straight Outta Compton. Not Boyz in

I would say that’s one that’s not intended for actually swimming in, but then I thought about the tan lines. I think that’s one that’s meant for ads and nothing else.

I’m going to hold this an an example of someone having well done and well planned plastic surgery. He was slightly too orange at the Globes but otherwise, It think he looks pretty good.

You'll still have the original Labyrinth, too :)

Seriously, tho, this is fucked. I guess I’ll still have Dark Crystal and Legend.