
Forgot to add at the end of the first paragraph that it is dangerous to paint ourselves into the corner of abortion being exclusively for the short list of “rape and incest survivors, women whose lives are in peril.” Every woman deserves to make her own decision based on all her life circumstances, without

I appreciate that there is a typical, “wrong time, wrong circumstances” abortion story included here. While dramatic partner abuse or fetal abnormality stories are valid, they are often the only types of stories offered in support of abortion. The vast majority of abortions are for women who are accidentally pregnant

Shine a light on it and watch the cockroaches scuttle away in fear.



So basically, they don’t want any woman to have sex for 2 years?

Wait, wait, so a country that THROWS WOMEN IN JAIL FOR MISCARRIAGE is now pushing for pregnancy prevention?

AH, yes, I literally just saw Children of Men for the first time just last night. And with all the news coverage of this shit over the past few days, I don’t know what’s real and everything seems potentially apocalyptic.

And it’s not like they are promoting birth control. I think the government’s message should have gone out to the El Salvador’s male population, advocating celibacy for the next two years.

Literally every state in the US has mosquitoes.

Best song Macklemore has ever done. I appreciate the effort as a black woman, and I appreciate his self awareness. I just hope his fanbase will get a little bit of self awareness too. Because they’re the ones saying things like “racism isn’t real because we have a black president”

Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.

I highly, highly doubt it.

Jesus, this is really scary. Like Children of Men scary. As someone who wants to have a baby in the next 18 months, I'm so sad for these women.

Ew. You are gross. No, you can’t assault someone simply because she is a sex worker. If she does 10 rough sex scenes a day, that doesn’t mean that any man can do whatever he wants with her. If a sex worker still takes the money after being assaulted by a client, she has still been assaulted. That is not simply a

sex workers can be raped too...

Some will, most won’t. Anonymous tumblrs remain a bad place to report crime or make accusations.

I know men notice cleavage and the ones who say that they don’t are probably lying. Hence my rage over the fact that men are supposedly more rational and less emotional or hormonal than women. It is infuriating to constantly hear jokes about things like the reason we can’t have a woman President is something something

No one cares about your stupid boner Senator Holmes.

Holmes said he considered stipulating men had to wear suit and tie when addressing his Senate committee, but decided males didn’t need supplemental instruction on how to look professional.