
You should be a wedding planner. That sounds really nice.

I’m giggling because besides the pinecone, this describes my sister’s wedding last summer in alarmingly close detail. We had plastic tables and plates, and the ring bearer was a golden retriever, but other wise, spot-on.

oh definitely. probably in a barn with one long, rustic wood table decorated with wildflowers in mason jars.

I think receiving lines are pretty common, yes. When a friend of mine passed away at 20 the funeral was huge - family, high school friends, college friends, parents’ friends, parents’ coworkers, you name it - over 300 people in total. His parents and brother stood there for hours, greeting every guest, one by one.

I don’t know about all this, all i know is that Sunday night I will be watchin’ X-Files with no lights on something something I hope the smoking man’s in this one.

So over the last several days, all I’ve heard is whining like, “Well, they have BET, that’s racist too! They can’t have it both ways! Pointing out differences is bad!” I know nothing is going to get through to them but damn, that’s logic a kindergartener could see through.

White people who compare mild to moderate situations/annoyances to MLK’s struggle are the fucking worst.

“at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them.”

The calling for a specific person to take over is problematic. It turns it into a political race instead of a human and civil rights issue. You end up with 5 different splinter groups and the message gets lost.

Yeah, why didn’t this protester with a small sign lay out a detailed 10-year plan to reform public school funding in Chicago, retrain police in use of force and implement community oversight of the department, and create a jobs program for the city?

This quiet protest is proof that when it comes down to it people can’t win when they protest. If they quietly stand with a sign in front of a news conference they will be told to be more polite, if they close down intersections or refuse to obey they will be labelled thugs but if they play by the rules set by police

Parallel parenting is a thing for a reason. Co parenting is an ideal but sometimes impossible goal if your co parent is an asshat who would rather get cheap shots in rather than make sure the kids are okay.

It’s like a mold they are all formed from. Escape, leave, run away from problems, etc.

Good for your mother. It isn’t surprising at all though that your father has to continue demonizing your mother. It’s actually pretty typical for cheaters. It’s called blame shifting. Instead of owning their actions, they have to tell themselves that the evil spouse made them do it. Then they come up with all the

Lot’s of cheaters have to demonize the betrayed as a way to shift blame from themselves. Think about it, if that person is so horrible, so terrible, so awful, then they are deserving of being left. It’s easier to blame the ex-spouse than to look in the mirror and see a person who cheated, lost their integrity and blew

When I was 34 I took both of my parents with me to buy a new car. I knew everyone thought they were bankrolling me. They weren’t. I’m financially solvent, just emotionally bankrupt.

If any black resident of Cleveland doesn’t trust their law enforcement, who the fuck could blame them at this point?

I came here to say exactly this. He did not confuse them. People mispronounce names/call people incorrect names on purpose as a power move. There is no chance he doesn’t know who Malia Obama and Malala Yousafzai are.

My mom told me you could tell who had lost their virginity because their butts would suddenly get bigger.