
it must be an older meme than that

I think the goal may be to dissuade possible future accusers from coming forward. He’s making it clear he’ll use the legal system against anyone who criticizes or accuses him.

Right, and it’s not like there’s a history of the NFL or fans having a problem with rapists on the field, so it’s not like he’s going to lose his job.

There’s a stupid theory that women get (usually super short) haircuts after big breakups or disappointments. Also, fwiw, historically women had their hair ‘shorn close’ to let the demons out when they were any kind of ill. So there’s that. *headdesk*

I don’t think that’s a stigma. The stigma is women with short or shaved hair being crazy or succumbing to some sort of trauma. I got that long before Britney Spears incident, so it must be an older meme than that.

I hope Pinkham caves and shares all the poop stories as a last hurrah.

I really am unsure. I like the BBC, NPR, and Al Jazeera for some news. I am looking at Wonkette, I don’t think it is a good fit. I might just give up and get snail mail subscriptions to The Economist and maybe People.

Some guy told me that once. “I’ve never been into fat girls before you!” He meant it as a compliment. I was a size 12. What even.

That’s like, Flowers In The Attic Level Evil Grandma.

They WHAT? What about all the politics that disproportionately affect women that Jezebel either reports on in depth or links? Are they gonna do those, on Gawker? I have a hard time seeing that.

Think your grandmother and mine should hang out. My grandmother didn’t go for looks jabs she went for me not being good enough ones. My grandmother is very religious and in her particular religion divorce is not allowed All of her children ended up getting divorced but I was the only child from a second marriage so I

The next time you speak to your grandma please feel free to tell her that millions of strangers on the internet think she’s a nasty old hag. Because we do. We really, really do.

Kitchenette, was crazy popular, like over a thousand comments per week, how is it a good business plan to quit this? SO PISSED. BKO was my and hundreds of other Monday Crack.....bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrgggg

These stories are terrifying, and yours is pretty awful. I’m starting to feel even more grateful that I was already 18 by the time my Mom went over the line from functional alcoholic to alcoholic-alcoholic.

Wow. Im surprised. That was a popular blog or so I thought.

Me too. These make me sad. I just wish my mom had directed me more in terms of fashion, been MORE negative or at least analytical. She is naturally attractive but a country girl, so she was of absolutely no use to me in middle school and high school. I’m sure I went out of the house looking awful on many occasions.

I got this a lot. And I resented my sister for it— then as young adults in peak eating disorder, I was confronted by my sister who begged me to eat again. Not for my health, but because I was the smart sister, and “being pretty is the only thing I have on you.”

Moms everywhere: of course I can push your buttons better than anyone else. I installed the damned buttons.

You win for Best Comeback.

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.