
Ah! I'm honestly horrified reading that. This is why we need legal access to health care! Young women under extreme levels of stress and fear do dumb, horrible things to their bodies.

You’d be allowed to have them at Starbucks?

So, having children should only be a luxury afforded to the affluent?

Oh man, that’s so depressingly logical and right-sounding. Stupidly, I was assuming they’d have some shred of shame and not want their surviving families publicly identified.

No. I suspect it will be a bit like this:

One can only hope.

So when President Trump and President Marie LePen hold their very first meeting in 2017, is a wormhole going to open up and swallow us whole?

Agreed. They kept people calm and secured.

I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the

Cool, Judith. My reaction was that we need to work harder to create a culture of safety and understanding of one another so we don’t create these gross Petri dishes of hate. But sure. Use this as an opportunity to “one up” someone else’s experience.

My fave was Trump gloating about gun control, because the French ambassador responded calling him a vulture.

in general, military grooming standards for females have nothing to do with length.

The government is making an example of her. None if it will ever be fair.

Try looking at it from a different point of view. How would people react if women prisoners were forcibly shaved down to such extreme haircuts? As I posted just the other day, forced haircutting has a long history as a gender-based violence towards noncompliant women. Here’s one example of many.

Um, here’s an idea - if you think the men in a prison will assault a woman for looking like a woman, maybe put the woman in a women’s prison? Just saying.

It's self loathing. Signed, someone who used to be on the other side.

I know this is off topic, but I am feeling this lady’s hair color and lipstick game.


The answers are no, and no.

Their ilk literally joke about how women are going to die because of this. Remember the pundit who told women to bookmark a link to coat hangars if they wanted an abortion in the future?