
Long-term expat, now French. Depp and Depardieu are waaaaaay out of our tax bracket! Wealthy celebrities are well-known for ditching France for lower tax countries like Monaco and Switzerland, but then, plenty of wealthy Germans do the same.

I really hate the attitude of “I didn’t get into this career for the money!”

Thank you. People usually don’t understand what early childhood teachers go through because no one talks about it.

I was discussing the hassle of signing my two elementary school-aged kids for summer camps (it is a hassle because many of the camps are only part time, or won’t take both of my kids because of the age difference, etc.), and my co-worker was like, “what’s with all these fancy camps these days. when i was a kid we went

Childcare!? In my day they just dropped you off at the bootstrap factory where you work your way up from the bottom. Coddling these children will not turn them into to the sociopathic corporate elites this country needs.

Thank you for writing this article. I have a degree in early childhood and many directors laugh about what they will pay me.

Yes, I needed a new winter coat in January, but could I find one in a store? Hahahah no. I had to order one from a super closeout sale online and hope it fit.

Yeah, I was trying to find a swim vest for my kid in late July, and you’d think I was searching for the holy grail. Is it too much to ask to keep a bit in stock during the weather you’ll actually use it?

apparently everyone at the office doesn’t bc that is what’s leftover in the candy dish. That and rollos. The fools! No complaints, I’ll eat all the unwanted candy.

You're not alone. Did the same thing. I do have a fever though.

It seemed way less creepy when I was a teenager. Everything seemed less creepy then.

Uh-huh. That’s why he had you write his address on the back.

I’m having a rough day. I read the headline and story and was like “Ok, but where does the ASL part of this... oh wait. Sign a document. Not sign language.”

Unless it was just the nervous uncomfortable type laughter that people do when things are terrible and they aren’t sure how to make it stop.

dude, if you have a savings account with money in it at all, pay off that credit card debt immediately.

Man, forget kids. I want to know how you two are surviving in NYC on 35K a year take home. Is your housing already paid for? Otherwise, please teach me this magic you are doing.

My husband and I can't keep our house clean and we don't even have children yet. I can't even imagine...

It’s so odd how when it is citizens who are being observed, questioned, and surveiled, it’s “If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about!” And then when it’s the police being subject to the very same behavior, it’s suddenly a privacy violation and inhibits their ability to do their jobs.

I actually just said this to my dad the other day. Back when everyone was upset about the Patriot Act & listening in on our phone calls my dad routinely said “if they aren’t breaking the law, why do they care?”. Well he was bitching about how people record the police and now they’re scared to do their jobs my answer

Cops in this country are noting but inept bullies with badges and guns.