
Could be an older baby. If she was 6 months + breastfeeding sessions would be fewer than for a newborn and the daycare staff could even be supplementing with food at that point.

Teen pregnancy doesn’t have to be the tragic story that it is often portrayed in the media. Having babies in high school is a viable strategy for women to start a family before she enters the workforce, making career planning a bit more manageable.

“Trend pieces,” like the multiple articles promoting this trash that ran on Jezebel in the last few months?

That picture really conveys someone who had a lot of life in her. Very sad.

I understand that no birth control is 100% effective, although I’m pretty sure the IUD is close. Nor was I saying that all pregnant teens would have abortions. I agree with you that they would have access to choice, and I agree with you that not all would make that choice.

I’m trying to figure out where in my day I’m losing time, but I think to believe all of this occurs in half an hour at 7:00pm is the real Utopia:

Have we all but given up on trying to convince young women not to become teen Mothers?

I’d be pretty happy if I could get anyone to top off my tank without me knowing. How do I impose this vision of utopia on my loved ones?

I know this isn’t the point of this piece, but I feel like a feminist utopia would provide proper sex ed and birth control to prevent teen pregnancies altogether...

When Christian people talk about being persecuted for their faith this behavior is the problem. They are being called out for being racist, sexist, ageist assholes who don’t seem to follow any moral compass besides mean girls. Not for believing in JC.

Ms. Greer has been a valued voice, but this ongoing transphobia from fellow second-wavers is disappointing and discouraging. Move into the twenty-first century, please.

Granted, this is referring to the US and not the UK.

You’re right. The terms evolved, but the martial roots are there. And that is itself the source of the problem - a woman is to be conquered (by force), not consulted.

I feel like that ending deserves a “YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH”, a la CSI.

I’m sorry, but this: “when she didn’t yield to his advances” almost had me throwing my computer at the wall. Seriously? Since when does anyone call attempted rape “advances” and getting raped “yielding to advances.” What the ever-living FUCK?

We all know that the best - THE BEST -place to find loyalty is in the arms of an adulterer.

The brain may not work, but somehow the penis and fists always do.

Can Justin Bieber stop trying to pretend he is sexy.

Here for the inevitable discussion of the superiority of everyone’s open marriage

Fuck you, Diana Espir. Also, I hate the word chick. Terrible video, worse song and I’m so tired of people slapping “female empowerment” labels on stuff that represents the exact opposite.