
It’s so fucking cruel! I’m sorry you had to go through that.

It would be fucked BEYOND BELIEF if these dumb fucks were to drag all these women in front of some demented Congressional McCarthyist hearing under the guise of sussing out alleged “coersion.”

I bet PP will release redacted records. If the reason this subpoena was issued was for billing purposes, then they’d have every right.

I am 100% terrified and you cannot convince me that this won’t open the door to who knows what the fuck else these asshats think they’re entitled to. Info will be leaked, people will be harassed. But there’s no war on women!

“Yes, I wanted to be a mother. But then Planned Parenthood called me and said that I’d get a sweet, sweet cut of a transport reimbursement for donated tissue if I aborted my baby instead. How could I say no?”

Very fucking good point about the fact that they are doing this shit on behalf of fucking nobody...i never thought about that.

Cuz I just imagine someone who’s had an abortion - an often a late term one because of fetal abnormality - would just LOVE to rehash the whole thing to a bureaucrat in their living room. Honestly, this whole thing is fucking terrifying. Can you imagine if that info gets leaked??

roe v wade determined that there was an inherent constitutional right to privacy under the 14th amendment

I am terrified for them all. I wouldn’t put it past them to leak it beyond anti-choicers. I could see it “accidentally” going public and having these poor women lose jobs and be thrown out of families... The consequences could be serious. I know quite a few people that would be disowned by family if their families

I fucking know right? They want to interrogate these women to see if their decision to donate was coerced or something.

This is really the best response.

Oh I have NOOOOOOO doubt there will be an ‘accidental’ leak of info - clinic workers at the minimum.

This exactly. I’m fucking terrified for everyone.

Yeah, it’s a great scare tactic to stop women from getting medical care.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Some “disgruntled government clerk” will leak those lists, at which point the government of Texas will be all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As someone else has already pointed out, they’ll pretend it was accidental I bet.

And what exactly do they wanna do with those records?! This is all getting way too Salem for me...

First thought.

How in the heck does this not violate HIPAA?