
You say that like that’s unusual when it comes to organized religion.

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love”

This is so sad. In 1978, I was one of two adopted babies allowed out of India. The adoption was through Missionaries of Charity. Given the long-ingrained contempt of women and girls in some aspects of Indian culture, to think that that many more children won’t be helped (mostly girls) is heartbreaking.

Your name is stupid to someone else, somewhere.

that vampires are in fact MUCH cooler than this

Been here since ‘07. GraysRUs.

Eh, I’m gray everywhere. I was one of the venerable old commenters of yore here, but Natasha VC kicked me to the grays a few months ago for a harmless joke about... guh, I can’t even be bothered to rehash it, it’s so dumb.

All I know is that one time when I was 14, I was being a total bitch to my mother as we were walking down Oxford St in London. Instead of getting cross and telling me I was being an asshole, my mother (a creature of mirth and magic and farts) proceeded to drop her shopping bags and began to perform a jig. It was a

In the long run it’s a better economic decision than letting the town get overrun by a bunch of Nazi cousinfuckers. They don’t tend to contribute a lot to the public coffers.

What about this guy doesn’t scream “master race?”

I’ll go out on a limb here and guess the mayors actions were supported by those he represents (minus the few white supremacists). If not, maybe he’ll lose the next election. I think that is called the democratic process.

Unfortunately he tried to force himself onto a town that wanted nothing to do with him.

“I’ve chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology. I have two children who are Scientologists — Connor and Isabella — and I utterly respect their beliefs.”

The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

If I had the chance to ask one question during a republican debate, I would ask how a party that is so “pro-life” can just write off the people who are being shot every day as collateral damage, that their deaths are simply the price we have to pay for living in this county. Is this really what our founding fathers

Seriously...it’s getting out of hand. The presidential candidates better start talking about serious gun control measures because otherwise this shit will keep happening. I don’t know if this shooter had an assault rifle, but I’d be willing to bet they did. Which is why we need laws to ban these because NO ONE NEEDS A

This was a missed opportunity to talk about the problem of the gender binary. While it is FANTASTIC that people are finally more aware and accepting of transgender people, we’re still failing to recognize the problems inherent in imposing a rigid binary, instead of recognizing a spectrum where most people fall more

Wow, really? No. Even us poors allow our children to keep the money that they earn themselves.

Actually, sometimes we do. We’re not perfect, especially not at 5 years old, when we think 19 cents is enough to start saving for a surgery and that because we found it in the couch, it’s ours. And sometimes, poor parents don’t want to take the 19 cents away from a five year old to pay the bills because the thought of

kind of has a better joker face than leto.