
You’re right. It’s probably not fair to anyone involved. It’s too glib and facile. I don’t think anyone could have “raised” a Malala and even knowing the good she brings to the world would I have wanted to subject my loved one to the “cauldron”? I don’t see Zendaya or Amandla being in a league with Kylie though.

So you clearly don’t know anything about Amandla because she’s neither a model or a hipster and she’s definitely not “holier than thou”. She’s an intelligent young black girl who is very aware of the existence of anti-black racism.

Also riptides are visible from shore. They look like breaks in the waves.

PSA: You get stuck in one of these, you swim parallel to the shore, direction doesn’t matter, until you make your way out of it. Trying to swim through it won’t work, they’re too strong.

I’m pretty sure no one would be mad at her for not sporting cornrows

Leaving a pre-emptive comment to let salty people know

I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

What? For not regularly following a driver that makes a series of left turns?

They should serve time first. They are adults, not little kids. At 19 you shouldn't need parental supervision in order to not assault. They committed a horrible crime and they should all get a stiff sentence before being deported.

I don’t care how much loneliness they suffer. They are monsters for doing that. They need to be sent home, never to return to the States.

No joke. From what I’ve read, these three are high achievers who’ve likely never been in any trouble with the law before, and they got torn away from their mom without even a goodbye and locked up in isolation from one another and anyone else they knew for I don’t even know how long.

Absolutely! If there was some sort of reason to suppose the mother to be an unfit parent, hidden away in those files she refers to, then that might justify taking the kids away form their mother, but it would never justify treating the children like THEY are the ones who did something wrong! Her treatment of the

YUP. The whole transcript was disgusting.

While an improvement over a juvenile detention centre, I don't like that these children are being forced to attend camp. The lack of respect that this judge is showing for the personal autonomy of these children is shocking. Another story I read about this included a quote from the judge heaping praise on the father

I love that she’s doing the whole “you guys don’t understand” thing when literally NOTHING (barring the kids actually, you know, committing a crime and even then it’s debatable) that justifies her sending them to jail and threatening them in the manner that she did (“you want people to watch you pee?”).

THANK YOU. Abortion is murdering babies, unless they’re rape or incest babies, then it’s fine to murder them. Either you are lying out your ass when you equate abortion to murder, or you think baby-murder is okay in certain circumstances. Which is it, Rubio?

“Marco Rubio believes children conceived of rape deserve to die.”

But Bronies...See, I already forgot where I was going with this.

I don’t think it’s irrational to hate a try-hard, privileged white girl who claims she’s “bringing booty back.”

Trying to take soul away from black people is (a) pointless (b) impossible (c) racist or (d) all of the above.