
We used to call it "Tiny Emperor Syndrome." Because you are so powerless on the bottom rung, when you figure out a way to move up one, even if it's just to something pointless like "shift supervisor" all the New! Shiny! Power! goes to your head and you lose your damn mind and turn into Mussolini, because BY GOD THE


::Ring ring::

I never understood spouses who sit there while their SO treats people like this. If my wife ever treated someone with disrespect I'd throw down a tip and let her know I was leaving and if she wanted a ride home she'd better join me. I also know that if I were to ever be the jerk, that she'd do the exact same thing

I do this with banana peppers. I ask for a ton, "Like a ton!" and then wait for them to put what they consider is just a ridiculous amount on and they quietly settle for it.

Don't care. Buh bye.

The first time was at a coffee shop in the Old Jaffa port of Israel. There is a deaf-and-blind theater company

She was trying to fill her monogrammed thermos.

So I would just like to put this out in the world, BCO has made me a better diner and that makes me proud. On Friday I was out with friends, attending a Feminist/We Hate Men (not really, but some people think that's what the word means...) book reading. Afterward, giddy we went to a bar next door and made lots of

That is bullshit. Cabs are expensive, and if you’re shelling out the money to ride in one, you should be able to kiss your partner if you want to. The driver should be paying attention to the damn road anyway, not to people necking quietly in the backseat.

Many years ago I had the misfortune of living in NJ while working in new york and commuted back and forth or would just stay over with my then-boyfriend. Late one night, I developed a raging flu with all the accessories — dull ache in chest, raging fever, etc. I just wanted to go HOME right MEOW and my boyfriend

What’s the point of getting old if you can’t spend all your time day drinking, lady lunching, and definitely not changing the diapers of four newborns?

Yeah, but let’s not erase the lesbian aspect to this story, and turn it into some “all women are harmed” narrative.

“bitches” “cunts” “whores”

If Betsey Johnson can still do perfect cartwheels at 72, age is truly nothing but a number.

“The female bod” didn't exactly make this one happen by itself. I hope everyone comes out of this reasonably healthy and well. Feminism shouldn't mean we have to applaud medically risky choices.

In theory, I agree with you. I think that the reasons for exempting churches from taxation are, at this point, fairly antiquated and no longer applicable. That said, there are a lot of churches which do really great, and really necessary, charitable work - and the way that America’s pathetic excuse for a social safety

Infinity stars!

Mary Kay, is that you ?

“...Vili Fualaau, meanwhile, discusses his bouts with alcoholism, depression and why he believes the system failed him while he was still a minor.”