
Yeah. If anyone is interested in donating to the legal fund for Ramsey Orta, the guy who is in Rikers after filming Eric Garner’s murder, they’re still a while short of their goal.

And that’s the argument that will be used to “defend” the indefensible. “Well, if he had just done what the cop said and he hadn’t run, none of this would have happened.” Because, you know, running away is definitely justification to murder someone and then plant evidence so that you don’t have to answer those pesky

“There should be a reward for whoever filmed this.”

Any way you could list those supplements? You know, so I know which ones to avoid . . .

True story: I have a friend who used to talk dietary supplements before going out because they’d get her jacked up.

I'm a bit of an Amazon and this helpful gentleman was a petite Asian man so his shirt barely covered my breasts and my crotch was still exposed. He invited me into his room to use the phone to call the concierge and he ripped his bed sheet off of his bed so I could make a toga of shame.

The point is not “I’m unqualified” but rather “I have an opinion but I also am prepared to defer to the judgment of people who have the first-person lived experience.”

Looks like a weird makeup shoot to me where it’s all about artistry or whatever. I’m also white, so I feel like I shouldn’t really have a say in what constitutes black face. I’d like to hear from everyone else though. /confused

I think it’s a clumsy way of showing that a range of women were victimized at the same time giving us some specificity. Also, probably to show that it wasn’t just a guy grabbing pics from existing porno mags and reposting them.

I can’t stop laughing. Cats are such assholes. I thought my cat was an asshole for vomiting on my pillow (while I was away) but THIS is just so much worse. I’m so sorry!

I also love that they thought a pregnant woman passed out and started having a seizure AND STILL GAVE HER NO ASSISTANCE! Life is precious, my ass.

I have a super dramatic fainting story. When I was in college, whenever I came home for breaks I had to go to church with my family (I was an atheist then as now, but it was a requirement of the house.) It was a super conservative catholic church with latin mass. It goes without saying there was to be no eating before

And Ranch dressing. But off-brand, you leeches! OFF! BRAND!

List of approved items;

See Pop/Soda is ok... you just can’t have that fancy stuff like Coke and Pepsi.

Right? You wouldn't pull all your Golden's teeth out. And, honestly, as someone in their 30s, the most common knee-jerk reaction of adopters my age that want to declaw is "we always had declawed cats."

The other thing people don't get about declawing a cat (or cutting the voice cords of dogs jesus I still can't believe people do that!!!) is that you're taking away more than just claws in the cat's mind.

This is what I did - we got to meet our current pair of spazzes when they were 5 weeks old and fostered them from 11 weeks on and every time they snuggled at all I played with their paws - smished them enough to ge tthe claws out, touched in between toes, etc. Now (10 months old) they have no problem with me scooping

Most shelters also offer personality blurbs about the cat's background and/or observed behavior, which are very helpful in deciding if socially the kitty will be a good fit for your personality and expectations.