
ok so everything you wrote is wrong, in the very basic, grammatical sense, but you don't seem to be aware that a kitchenette is not a girly kitchen, or a kitchen for bitchez, but a small kitchen.

I remember watching "Bubble Boy" and thinking, this kid's never gonna make it!


rite? They totes deserve it. How dare the government expect states to go out of their way to protect criminals??? They're criminals not humans!

Here you go. Links through to the Justice Department studies and a write-up. Happy to help.

I hope that people realize, that the vast majority of prison rape is perpetuayed by violent offenders against NON-VIOLENT/MINOR offenders. It's not "the bad guy getting his due from the other prisoners," as much as some people might hope that's how it goes.

Governor Mike Pence of Indiana wrote in a letter to the feds that the PREA rules "work only to bind the states, and hinder the evolution of even better and safer practices."

But how are prisoners going to get rehabilitated by prison and become healthy members of society without getting a good raping? Even worse what will be stopping young criminals from committing crimes if they know surprise buttsex is of the table?

Yeah, hi. White girl here. And long-time TV addict. I'm enjoying TV right now more than I ever have - and that's saying something - largely because of the renewed diversity on television. I am SICK TO DEATH of the same old tropes and characters we've always seen, and there's a creativity injected into the

So the police officer escalated the situation by grabbing Johnson's arm and refusing to let go, even though Johnson wasn't a flight risk and had identified himself with his actual ID.

I don't know the details but given how this country treats black people I don't find it implausible that we are missing nothing and there is no in between.

if I get the fuck out, can I get some ham? Will it be kosher?

I know you're a troll, but I am tickled at the idea that you derived your burner name from the last BCO Post on Kitchenette.

women: everything you do is wrong, including menstruate! fix your disgusting self with kotex.

Firstly, I'm not poorly educated - I'm currently in my 2nd year of Doctorate school. And I'm trilingual, one of which I taught myself purely out of curiosity. And the son of black immigrant parents to the oh-so-hospitable South. So, nice try.

Secondly, I'm not a troll - check my comment history. The ignorance of

Hey Loggo - let me explain it to you. Idiot.

A lot of us don't just follow blindly everything that's written on the book we should believe. I personally do believe in God and was raised Catholic, but don't see any problem with contraception and I'm pro gay marriage. I don't see this clashing with my beliefs because neither violate the "love thy neighbor like

I'm an atheist. This is not a defensive comment because I feel attacked. This is a reminder that the faith of others is complex, multifaceted, both personal and political, and is intertwined in many different ways with a person's life. It's never as simple as "the church says birth control is a sin and I don't believe

We're not more homophobic than anyone else (I don't think) but it can't be denied that a lot of black people are homophobic. I don't think she was giving lip service to the 'more homophobic' thing but rather reminding blacks that we were denied similar rights not so long ago and now we're denying other minorities the

Something less horrifyingly dangerous happened at my office. Everyone (mostly women) complained about the temperature. Every day we'd be bundled up in sweaters, coats, blankets, and fingerless gloves. But building management didn't believe anything was wrong. Then last winter we got new bldg management, and one of the