
Or we could leave strangers alone. I just don't feel it's my place to tell anyone I don't know to consider altering their facial expression. You also don't know their situation. For me, I glare because I'm squinting to see, no one needs to tell me what's up.

I'm probably too late/too gray for anyone to see this, but my university is having a similar problem right now and we have no idea what to do about it, because it's on snapchat. There's an aggregator account with a university-themed name that snaps horrible photos and videos of everything from revenge porn to straight

Mental health professionals use an acronym to describe this dude's behavior: DARVO. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. Yeah, because what he just did was textbook DARVO.

When a white man in his early twenties does something bad he is just a kid, when a black boy in his early teens does anything, he is a man.

When he used the word licentiousness, I laughed so hard. You know that dude is so freaking proud of his thesaurus skills.

fuck this jackass. Also you KNOW he thinks hes sounding so goddamn smart in this statement. Its such typical "I'm in college at the moment and obviously know everything" bs. I MEAN GUYS HE USED THE TERM "SEXUAL MORES." HES SO SMART.


It's interesting that when full grown white men in college do something criminal, they're 'kids' but when a black 12 year old is gunned down with a BB gun it's his own fault.

She attended my alma mater. That's how i knew eminem had a daughter

...but her father watched from inside the school because he didn't want to cause a scene.

"LOfuckinL" - said everyone under 35 who went to college

This is why I just pee sitting down unless I'm in like a suit and it's a hassle to untuck shirts. When I was a kid, my father had a shiny scale right next to the toilet. It made the results of splashing very visible. Even with flawless aim, it was just disgusting. Screw anyone who says sitting isn't manly. Walking

Um, he's being a fucking animal, and you should not stand for this.

Yes. Thank you Hilary Duff for selflessly posting this pic to make all new moms feel better about themselves. You are a saint.

And the amazing thing about it is that most of these people would cry bloody murder if you called what they wrote/said as being racist. I've said this so many times but this is the primary driving factor behind modern racism. So many of these people have no understanding of racism because they literally never have to

I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but India just does NOT seem like a safe place to be a woman. At all. In any capacity.

Actually I think this is a very good* example to illustrate that rape is not about sex, but about exercising control and inflicting harm. Usually, when someone claims that a woman secretly wanted it, her appearance and sexual history are where they claim to find evidence for that. A nun is far from promiscuous. She

Well if your husband can make it all the way to adulthood eating whatever it is that's on his approved list, I have more hope for my son! It can be rough, having to not only keep a separate supply of food in the house for one person (and tell my other kids they can't touch it, especially when some of his foods are

At the Carnegie Mellon, Freshman Computer Science majors were (and I think, still are) required to take a class that essentially taught them about how to be a normal college student and how to have a successful work/life balance. No one complained because they were getting credit for it, and at CMU tuition isn't paid

Perfect gif is PERFECT!