

My mother in law walked in the door with this article clutched in her fist for my husband (really for me, the liberal heathen) to read. Sigh...

Waldorf Salad

She specifically said the grandmother never once visited the the sister in the six months she was terminally ill so.... grandma’s just a horrible bitch.

Agreed! This is such a huge issue that people still polarize into good/bad, sluts/good girls, ect. It’s just not that black and white. EVERYONE has that special snowflake reason/situation why an abortion would be okay for them or their partner, even if they think abortion is bad. If only we could all get around to

They are going to have to crawl up my vagina and rip my iud from my cold, dead cervix if they want my birth control.

I thought her butt was dirty.

As a person that hates typos AND the people that point them out, this comments section is everything :)

I’ve been a nurse for ten years and worked exclusively with the elderly. It can be tiring, gross, sad, frustrating and I’ve cared for more dying people and their families than I can count. To most people that sounds terrible but I have never minded. I knew at 17 I wanted to care for the elderly, specifically those

Good point. I read their Jameson comment and was like, wut? I should have stopped there.

Strains of a chemical found in cannabis can and have stopped seizures in children. It is being and should be studied. Those of us with family members slowly losing brain function to seizures that could potentially be cured give zero shits if you are skeptical or think it’s a good idea.

Also, depending on where you live in Michigan, you could be pretty close to Chicago where they are starting to study cannabis on minors in children’s hospitals.

It’s incredibly interesting and gives hope to so many families like mine. Look up the story behind the strain Charlotte’s Web. We are hoping a similar solution can be found for a family and prevent irreversible brain damage. The doctors are hopeful. Also, you kind of sound like an asshole.

Run for president. Please.

“I’m not sure if we want the same things, so let’s be honest with each other and figure out whether you just need time or it’s best to part ways.”

Meh. We’re close with a polygamist family and the adults (mff) are loving, honest and nurturing. The kids are happy and well cared for. Maybe polygamy isn’t the word you were looking for?

Omfg. I’m sorry that happened to you.

You’re right, that would never happen to a white kid and yes, white people are silently nodding their heads in approval. I argued with a white, Christian, 30 something year old mother married to a cop. She was totally fine with “that belligerent, disrespectful brat being punished. She got exactly what she deserved!”

I don’t think mass shootings are really their thing but HELL YES are they looking for someone to take their shit out on. He’ll have a dead ex wife or girlfriend within the year. Someone’s gotta pay for his humiliation.

It’s not. Here’s an internet hug :(