
Okay, I have a mother fucking question, do these schools not have counselors??? Do they literally not have adults educated to assess and assist students in a time of need? Literally NO ONE thought, “Hey, this troubled student experiencing a terrible life situation right now is acting out, I should send her to the

From what I read, she put the phone away but wouldn’t give it to the teacher, who had asked for it. I get that bratty teens are annoying but if she put it away, the teacher should have fucking dropped it and gone on with teaching. I think some people just really cannot fucking handle their authority not being %1000

Dump him.

Fuck the people still defending this shit bag with their self righteous proclamations of, “She didn’t listen, what did she expect?” Guess the fuck what? Beating people who don’t, but maybe should, listen to you isn’t how we should fucking be handling things. Not in schools, not in our homes, not during God damn

I really like the idea of a sin device implanted in my uterus...

RIGHT?! I mentioned to my husband recently that I had some new pain that felt like it had to do with my IUD, and he literally said, “You need to get an appointment with the doctor!” I can’t imagine him saying, “Well, suck it up and don’t pout while I shove my dick in you.”

Oh my fucking God, that is terrifying! Gah, you win.

I get what you’re saying but I cannot make it work in my mind when you throw in the father. Can teens really negotiate a successful co parenting relationship for the long haul? Because I don’t even know many adults that can. I’m seeing a planet full of kids being shuffled around every other weekend because their

I’m glad your choice to be a teen parent worked out well for you. Unfortunately, not all teens are given the access to the sex ed, free birth control and abortions you were and a lot of them don’t end up married to their babies fathers with education’s and a middle class lifestyle. Motherhood is a hard road to walk, I

Yeah, that sounds more like a parent utopia!

I left my church almost a year ago due to many “ism’s” and haven’t found my faith again. I love God but there is so, so much wrong with religion I don’t think I can ever pick it back up again.

Uh, feminist utopia or futuristic robot babies that adhere to schedules and never act like actual babies? I get life would be better for teen mom’s if people treated them like humans instead of irresponsible sluts who got what they asked for, but babies are helpless, needy bags of poo and vomit that get sick and need

I found the amount of breastfeeding lacking. Babies eat a lot and give no shits about anyone’s schedule. The idea that a baby would actually go along with that is hysterical. Also, if this is feminist utopia, where are the free birth control dispensers and comprehensive sex ed classes, pamphlets, websites, anonymous

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most womanly looking woman of them all, me or Caitlyn Jenner?”

Why is “side chick” a thing? You want an open relationship, have one. You want to be the only one? Have a committed relationship.

Will you please ungray me? I promise I’m a thoughtful human who likes to participate in conversations and not a troll.

Yeah, I had a miscarriage and D&C while on government insurance. I cannot imagine some fuck wad hunting me down to interview me about that. I’d probably have to spend hours explaining the fetus was already dead before it got removed.

So, I had a miscarriage and needed a D&C. The contents of my uterus were kept to be examined. I had government insurance at the time. Are women like me in Texas going to be exposed and harassed?

I always liked the bad kid in The Mighty Ducks.

a six-foot tall devoutly Christian golden retriever