
Offering someone an Oreo you filled with toothpaste is a prank. Making someone think their child is dying a horrible, fiery death is psychotic.

Right before I left my last job they hired a woman with a two part first name, first part a male name of a cartoon chipmunk, second part sounded both Asian and was part of a name of a Transformer. HOLY BALLS did the Christian white women I work with go berserk. “Omg, I would have changed my name as soon as I turned

She’s going to end up a 32 year old grandma.

That would be amazing!

I agree and I really wish people would ease up on the gender “rules”. I’m a woman who looks like a woman and feels like a woman but I prefer to wear men’s shoes and cologne. No big deal, right? Wrong! People have totally lost their shit when they realized this about me. Hugs to all the trans folks out there, I can

I would have told homophobic milk guy, “ Yes sir, this milk right here is the GAYEST MILK YOU WILL EVER DRINK!”

The one and only time I got called to jury duty was when I was picked for a double homicide trial. While I was seven months pregnant.

When I was a freshman my childhood cat died, my grandpa died and we moved. I was having terrible nightmares and failing school. My mom tried to put me on meds but my stomach couldn’t handle it so she got me a fat, fluffy orange cat. Problems solved. He slept with me every night and the nightmares lessened, allowing me

Good for her! Since none of the adults stood up for her, she did it herself.

Fall and winter are the best! There is nothing like being able to spend time outside with roasting to death and then going in for crock pot food and snuggling on the couch with a blanket while the sun goes down.

Reading this after reading the article about two Indian women sentenced to be raped after their brother ran off with a married woman has made me get out the bottle a little early today.

I’ve had three miscarriages and I was so hurt when the called them “spontaneous abortions”. I was hurt again when they called my D&C an “elective abortion”. All the babies were already dead but politics made me feel like a murderer. I don’t even feel like women who choose to have actual abortions are murderers, but


Oh Lexi, you fucking twat.

I have so much respect for this young woman for coming forward. We all know how sexual assault victims are treated and we all know how black people victimized by police are treated in the media. There are going to be so many people saying, “That’s not rape, and if she didn’t want a roadside cavity search she should

I’ve had three “late periods” as you call them, at 10, 12 and 8 weeks. I wasn’t able to just “let it come and go”. The initial emotional pain was followed by intense physical pain. Then I got to comfort my crying husband while hating my body for failing. All my pregnant friends and family kept growing and glowing

Oh, shit :( I’ve had three, just having to tell my family was pure hell, I can’t imagine having to tell EVERYONE.

I had an aide once walk into an end of a bed that didn’t have a foot board on it (nursing home). Her kneecap was on the side of her leg and she was crying so hard she couldn’t speak. What does our dip shit administrator do? Tells the staff not to call an ambulance, just get her in the car so he can drive her to the

I started indie publishing two years ago this month. I started a Facebook page and asked a total of three blogs to review my first book. That’s all I did. To be fair, I started in a popular genre and released the first few books close together. Last year I was able to quit nursing full time and just concentrate on

Just curious, but why bother with an agent and publisher? Why not just indie publish? You retain more control and money doing it that way.