
I agree, I feel like my kids are going to grow up in this wave of purity bullshit. I’m going to arm them all with actual sex education, birth control and condoms. I feel like my kids are going to grow up with a lot pregnant teens that also have herpes :(

“But reverse racism!”

What do white people smell like?

I asked my mom, “How does she think her body breaks down food?”

These people are completely unreasonable lunatics. My mom’s friend was like this about her kids and nearly disowned one of her children for getting vaccines required for college. I thought that was bat shit crazy but then she posted that she doesn’t believe in germs. As in bacteria. As in that stuff we’ve all seen

Black women have beautiful hair. White people, stop being entitled assholes.

I was at a Logan’s and the couple behind us were being so rude to the waitress, berating her and treating her like she was an idiot. She came to us next and you could tell she was upset even though she was very friendly and professional. My pregnancy hormones took over my mouth when I opened it to order my drink and

It took me way too long to realize that man’s thumb is missing...

Yes, thank you. Also, get ready for “reverse racism” claims. White people don’t like getting their feelings hurt when all they’re trying to do is get justice for a cat :/

Same in Michigan.

It’s because Cecil was a cat. White people LOVE cats.


Yup. In Michigan too.

Why are we grey? We’re awesome.

Oh, they’ll regret it when their pregnancy rates sky rocket.

She could teach me a thing or two about eyeliner.

I love you.

I also yearn for a world in which people don’t have to explicitly describe their genitalia while trying to explain “who they are”.

My mom ONCE let me order a pair of pants from that place. I’m happily married with three children and getting those pants in the mail is still the best day of my life. *

That kind of makes me like the Olsen twins...