
People still read magazines?

I see you, for what it’s worth

Thank you for posting this, I had not heard this. I hope Gawker does look into this. If they can write about the naked, white daughter of a celebrity wearing head dresses, they should be investing time writing articles about the deaths of these men.

Right? When you really look, it appears she’s topless, intimately holding the fish she’s biting, all while standing in what looks like the middle of a massacre...

The more I look at this, the more disturbing it gets...

Complete and comprehensive sex education. That’s what we need. No one WANTS to have to choose abortion.

I used mine to make homemade baby food. I’d just dump in a little of whatever us adults were eating, blend away and voila, baby food. My kids really liked it.

Fun story, until a few years ago I thought fondue exclusively meant dipping fruit and such in melted chocolate. Imagine my horror when my friend told me her favorite fondue dipper was pepper jack cheese...

Between him and the bearded guy on that show Hell on Wheels I just could not handle the HOTNESS.

What? A right to life group lied and misrepresented itself? No.....

Sandra Bland’s death is terrifying. I hope for some justice but I know it probably won’t happen.

“I’ve never seen losers have so many monuments across a country they wanted to leave”.

You’re a weird, persistent little troll, aren’t you?

You obviously have never breastfed a child.

I remember the smell of crusty boob milk that hid in the chins of my nursing babies. No way do I want a crusty ball of it hanging around my neck.

Damn, that was an excellent explanation. Thank you.

Fun story, my last boss was an insufferable asshat who hated tattoos and referred to them as “poor life choices”. He didn’t realize I had some and I never told him because it’s none of his judgey business. One day he was berating some girl about one on her hand and turned to me after she left and commented about her

It baffles my mind that people are still so openly okay with discrimination. Do they feel no shame? Do they really believe gay kids are sub human and don’t deserve to be treated as well as everyone else?

I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s incredibly sad and enraging how little the courts seem to care about doing what is actually in the best interest of children and helping them. Maybe the mom was brainwashing them or maybe the dad is a huge jerk. Maybe the kids are just entitled brats who don’t like going to

Those poor kids. They are going to be scarred for life.