
Yes, this! The hypocrisy drives me crazy. “Abortion is murdering innocent babies but it’s totally okay if the father is a rapist.” Uh, what?

This is insane to me. Obviously I’m white. I’m sorry you have to experience this. Good God, I know racism is alive and well but this is sobering.

Yes! Going to the bathroom was torture. I’ve had two successful pregnancies and any hint of anything even slightly pink had me panicking. Just the act of having to look in my underwear every time I pulled my underwear down was agonizing. I hated ultra sounds as well. Every one was dreaded and I would cry every time,

Thank you. My experience with the d and c was much better than the first two. With the first miscarriage, I spent a week on the couch with all the curtains closed, drinking an entire gallon sized bottle of cheap vodka mixed with cranberry juice and binge watching My Name is Earl, for some reason. I was terrified of

I had two doctors make me “pass” my first two miscarriages. With my third, my wonderful new doctor offered a d and c. I asked him why and he told me it would be mostly for my metal and emotional health. God bless that man.

Yes! The Haunting Hour on Netflix is pretty good but I’m super excited for this. My kid is way obsessed with scary movies, I’m totally taking her.

Okay, side note here, but I find the rape exceptions... puzzling. Like, these people are screaming about how abortion is murder and the babies are innocent and have a right to life- unless the father is a rapist? Then that murder is okay? That baby doesn’t have a right to life? I don’t really get that. Or rather, I

She’ll abuse them verbally until someone tells her to stop and then she’ll bitch about how much money she’s paying to be cared for by “wet backs”.

Well, if the devil is taking control of this country by pushing for equal rights for everyone... I say let him?

Can we please have someone step in to do Behind Bathroom Doors and have a weekly gross out article with all the poop/vomit stories you don’t want? I’ll volunteer if no one else wants to do it.

Holy. Batshit. Crazy.

I worked in a nursing home that served boiling hot coffee that the residents always complained was too cold so we always had to nuke it in the microwave. Well, the state came in and we got cited for having coffee so hot it could actually burn people if spilled. In order to comply with state, we had to turn down the

Haha, yes, I agree! I actually was able to figure out what book it was after 37 questions. I loved working in a book store.

There is no such thing as too much veggie cream cheese :)

Worked at Barnes and Noble, once had a girl come up and say, “My friend recommended a book, I think maybe it’s fantasy or romance. The cover was mostly blue and had a girl on it.” Couldn’t remember the title or author, still expected me to lead her to it like some literary blood hound.

I like extra cream cheese on my bagel. Like, extra extra, more than could ever be considered normal. So this is how I order it. “Could I please get a tomato basil bagel with extra cream cheese? Like, three times what you would probably consider extra. So a lot. A lot a lot. I’m happy to pay for it, thanks.” And they

My husband’s ex does this. Kid is twelve and she still uses her to punish him.

I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! Mickey Rourke in Iron Man 2 was So. Fucking. Hot. Hot. Seriously hot. And yes, wtf brain?!

These are really cute stories but am I the only one depressed by them? I wanted to get engaged so badly and my now husband kept pushing it off because I was younger and he didn’t think we had dated long enough. He eventually proposed to me at home, in the living room, with a ring I had picked and ordered myself, while

Is this for fucking serious? That judge is just allowing that man to control his ex like that? There is no threat of harm to the baby and in fact could suffer harm with forced weaning and being feed a lower quality of food. Seriously, what.the.fuck.