

Heya, I tip a standard 20%.

I. Love. This.

I think it's illegal to buy a title. But it's not illegal for a poor queen to adopt a fully grown rich man. And it's legal for a newly titled rich man to adpot other rich men...

Um, trying to find the words...


Ah, ok. Thank ya.

I don't get why people are saying monogamy is a social construct. Like, isn't pretty much all social behavior a social construct? Like being in an open relationship, using a toliet, good posture, slouching, eating doritos, etc. are all social constructs?

Won't somebody please think of the farandolae!

He lied in court. That did throw a shadow on his presidency.

You don't get to have help AND dignity. Duh.

I'm honestly asking... what do you mean?

You're missing the point of the article. It's about how the women who would want to actively plan, can not plan because they can't afford it, or don't have access.

I think the article is saying family planning is expensive and access is a problem, especially for people with low incomes.

Did/do you enjoy privileges that maybe they didn't/don't? Because it seems your surprise at their surprise means there maybe a gap that goes beyond income.

*Squints* I can't tell if you're a troll.

Um, yeah, your situations were miles apart.

Mmmm, more examples of of why it costs so much to be poor. This is the point of this article.

The first time I looked I saw white and gold and was wondering if this was a mass trolling. I went to a ton of sites and got more confused.

Bows down cause you're really cool.