
Every set of bones at the ‘henge belongs to a woman who tried to find her Jamie Fraser.

Dammit, I came here hoping for a Mariah Carey-esque tour rider. Bernie doesn’t like busy patterns. He also wants 20 white kittens and 100 white doves to be released when he goes on stage for the debate.

You said “peg.”

“I wrote myself in, since I’m me and I’m here and I’m writing.”

I may or may not have choked up at the stuff at the end

*vomits a little* YES!!

Is it this one?

So wait, why would Kanye be embarrassed if there was nothing homophobic about Rose’s tweet? It seems like he’s just saying that he doesn’t do that. In order for that to mean he was embarrassed, that would mean th- *signal lost*

I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends

Everyone, Gwyneth. Literally everyone knew.

I guess I imagined this in a kind of “experiencing” in a Orgasmatron kind of way.

i also mean like LITERALLY combine. i don’t have enough dopamine or enough holes! !!

i mean i could combine like TWO for sure

Okay, I’ll give that all ten would probably be too much. But you could definitely combine a few of the top ten together for an even better time. Like, combining the bottom three would get you to maybe #4.

Think about the 10 most fun times you’ve had sex in your life—would you want to experience all these times again simultaneously?

THIS! If she can be young and irresponsible, why would you assume her friends are clear-thinking, sober individuals?

Isn’t it for us all, at some point or another.