
Hmmm, it needs to be said. Her dreads are too thick for this look. She may have overall been better off with thinner twists. Or at least a different dress.


Yes, see, Batman IS awesome.


Lego movie is awesome.

I'm glad they're okay.

Can you ask your chemist friend what the best moisturizer is for natural (kinky, frizzy) hair?

It's sooooo wrong, it's like he's doing a parody of himself.

Half a day's calories, and I'm full half the day. Awesome.

Hahaha! I know it sounds cheesy but I really think so.

Aww, I think her cellulite is beautiful. It makes her look lush. Like touchable and soft and warm. Amber Rose has a beautiful body including her cellulite, not in spite of it.

Yup! So excited.

It seems like the sound quality would be crap and you can't get close enough to the stage to see the artists anyway. Staring at a far awaying jumbo screen is annoying. May as well walk around to see and be seen. Enjoy the free show, ya know?

Oh my gawd, yasss, Nick Cave.

Nick Cave all the soundtracks!

I was all like "oh yea, this is gonna be stu- whahahaha Oooooooooooo, look at it go!"

No problem! I see tons of women skip the soap step of handwashing aaaaalllll the time.

Jared Diamond is the shit! Fangirling ova here.

Lololol! K.

*unsquints* i guess you do! But that atricle wasn't the best source... this one is great!